
We have alternate parties… there are Green party and Libertarian party candidates on the ballot. You're upset that we have two dominant parties, but if you placed each of these four (and I know there are other parties on the ballot as well) on a scale, the majority of people would vote Republican or Democrat. The

They got married… sex is typically the next step.

I also didn't go to an HBCU. I graduated Big 10 and now live in Washington D.C. But I pledged AKA, 11 years ago. We do have some colorism in our history, but these stereotypes really don't hold true today.

Yeah, it's not rare to see an AKA who looks like Molly.

So between Luke Cage and Insecure, Black Greek Lettered Organizations are all over my TV. This must be how it felt watching A Different World when it was on the air.
Also, as a sister of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority … I can totally see Molly and her friend as members. Although Molly's "skee-wee" sounded a bit odd to me,

William may not be MIB, but the writers are definitely messing with some different timelines.

Cancel the ride and wait for another. You were already late, so another 5 minutes is nothing. And at this point, with about 20 or so days left in the election, there's nothing more you need to hear from a Trump supporter and honestly nothing more they want to hear from you. Finally, there's no acting normal in this

I kept trying to figure out if that was "present" or not because it seemed like she went through that shooting by the guy at her house more than once. The first time he shoots her in the belly and the second time she remembers being shot and runs away to William.

So did this episode cancel out the Bernard is a robot or William is MIB 30 years in the past theories?

I keep waiting for them to show some male prostitutes for the straight women who would visit Westworld. Does the park market to any other demographic that isn't men? I guess that one woman guest counts, but what about women who want to do other stuff? Why would other people even spend money to visit Westworld? Why

Starts at $41,000 a day… checkout the site, if you sign in as if you want to stay at Westworld it'll let you plan a trip there and see how much all of the packages cost. Plus you can take a look at the contract guests have to sign in order to participate. I did it for like a 2 week middle-rate

I laughed my butt of this episode. If just because the parody of a Tavis Smiley-like show and the way people react to rappers and their lyrics was just so on point. Although I do miss Darius.

I think I like the Claire/Luke coupling better than Jessica/Luke. But I also like the Clair/Matt Murdock coupling better than Karen Page/Matt Murdock coupling. So maybe it's just that Rosario Dawson has amazing chemistry with whoever is her on-screen romance. But it seems awkward as hell that in the end she may not

I actually had to stop using the CW app to finish the episode, so I moved to using my laptop. It was just as worse. Can't even blame my system. I'm a cord cutter, so I have high-speed internet that regularly streams Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now perfectly on my TV.

Yup but that sucks too over airplay. Not every Millennial wants to watch on a small screen. Some of us still have TVs. We may not pay for cable, but we're not all streaming to our iPads and Macbooks.

You're a saint for keeping up with this show.

Your dropped shows list looks like mine.

Really? That's the season 2 plot? I might have to check out Legends.

I stopped Falling Skies in the middle of season 2, so what happened? I actually thought it still came on… You never know with TNT. Doesn't Rizzoli and Isles still come on? And that one with President Laura Roslin?

Yeah but the app sucks