
So problem #1… With Hulu no longer showing CW shows, I was struck watching this on the app and airplaying to my TV. The video was choppy, when it wasn't crashing and the audio was horrible. So I really have no thoughts on what actually happened. I'm thinking that I don't have the patience for the app, so if I still

So as a 30-year-old black woman, this is probably the first time… EVER… that I've found relatable TV characters. Seriously, the conversations Molly and Issa have are LITERALLY the same ones I've had with my friends yesterday.

Yeah but how soon… Doesn't the Arrowverse start next week??

George Takei is a national treasure.

I died at #dictiongoals. I want to be Courtney and Angela's daughter, just so they could read me stories to sleep. Also, just for kicks and giggles, I decided to look up how many Emmys Angela has… 0. Academy Awards. 0. SAGs 0. How Sway?!?! Queen Angela ONLY has a Globe! They need to rectify this quickly.

That Wale shade…. lmao

His room always just happens to be the basement. Every time we went over grandma's house and she had friends to visit we knew Granddaddy in the basement. Doing what? Nothing. He just in the basement. Option 2.. he in the backyard/garage. Doing what? Again, nothing. He just trying to say out of "her" way.

Nah you gotta be older. My mom is in her early 60s and she hasn't reached the levels of cupboard bare of fraks that my Granny reached in her 80s. But she's well on her way, lol.

This is so real. I was dating a guy who wanted to talk on the phone EVERY day if I didn't see him in person. I'm not a phone person to begin with, but he had a problem with just exchanging texts (even though he'd hit me up every morning). I was just too tired or BUSY from other stuff to talk to him all the time,

Rolling my eyes. There was no reason to even send a text pulling back the invite. You got the tickets. He would've had to call you the night before or the day of to double check/confirm on getting his ticket. You could've pulled a "new phone, who dis" and kept it moving. Heck, you could've blocked him. He would've

I mean… that's just the free stuff happening at the totally, don't need a ticket festival on the Mall to celebrate the opening of the NMAAHC. I don't have a ticket, but I imagine the ticketed events are going to be fire.

Did everybody's theater have people shouting stuff at the screen during this movie? Cause mine did too. And it was hilarious.

People got tricked into watching the first one. I'd be amazed if it comes close to having that type of audience.

So I love the filet-o-fish… True story. In college I went through an anorexia phase where I would only eat about 600 calories a day (two Slim Fast shakes, one for breakfast, one for lunch) and chicken breast and broccoli for dinner and I worked out every day except weekends. I lost about 30 pounds in two months,

Dressing and stuffing are basically the same. Except stuffing is dressing that goes in the turkey or, if you prefer, dressing is stuffing that is cooked outside of a turkey. Now, whether it's dressing or stuffing, the versions I've had (and cooked) all have cornbread in them. As far as I'm aware, stuffing is a bit

Was there a review of episode 2 posted? I can't find it.

Hmmmm… this list is missing the "hidden" (??) blizzard known as the Cookie Jar. It's basically the Oreo and the Cookie Dough mixed together. There's also the Chocolate Cookie Jar, which is my favorite.

Thank you for explaining, cause I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be a dream sequence or hidden meaning or what. I spent a good five minutes trying to understand if walking off into the woods was a metaphor for something, lol.

That scene in the jail between the gay/I'm not gay dude and, well, everybody, was hilarious. I'm ashamed of myself for laughing.

To be honest, has anyone benefited from Obamacare? Seems like everyone I know says it's too expensive or they don't qualify or something. Even people I know who use the insurance offered by their jobs will say Obamacare hurt them because their companies switched to even worse plans to offset the Obamacare costs.