
The writing on this was abysmal. Everytime the word "jock" came out of Mindy's mouth I wanted to cringe. I really hope this Mindy/Jody thing will do the unexpected and turns out they're not heading toward coupledom.

Guy I used to date watched Sons of Anarchy religiously. At some point in the later seasons, he just turned to me and asked why the main character was still wearing AF1's. I think that was the first time I did a mental check that they were out. That was like 2 years ago.

Is it cause they don't work Sundays? I've been wondering for awhile now why is it that Chick Fil A employees are always so happy to serve me my 3-piece tenders, waffle fries and frosted lemonade?? You go to McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's and it's a 50-50 chance that you'll get an employee(s) with a bad

Brienne's problem is she looking for love in all the wrong places.

I agree. The conversation between Jaime and the Blackfish at the Riverrun siege in the book was better. But so was the Elder Brother and Septon Meribald stuff. I'm gradually coming to accept that the show is just mediocre compared to the books. It's tough, but adapting this to TV was always going to be difficult.

Yes. it is.

You know that feeling when you arrive an hour too early to the party and it's like "well, okay, I guess I can enjoy myself." But then the people who really make a party lit show up. And at first you're like, this atmosphere was real chill and cool until THEY arrived. And you mad cause they late af and you not trying

They do have an exclusive deal with Disney (thus Marvel), but they're currently not on Netflix. Not yet, at least. I was able to catch up on Ultron a few weeks ago by watching through Starz Play.

Also… and I know I may be beating a dead horse by reiterating this but… seems to me there would be more pressure on The Flash film because of the The Flash tv show. I mean, I suppose the movie will bring in tons of casual fans. But if you're a hardcore DC comics/Flash fan, you probably already watch the TV show, which

I feel like the world has the obligation to make Brock Turner's life a living hell when he's done with this jail time. Has Stanford expelled him yet? What's his major? Short of working for dear ol' dad, no employer should ever hire him. Every woman he dares to say a word to should be granted the right to spit in his

I honestly don't want anyone to reply to my comment… Just wanted to say that I see the fanboys/girls are giving you hate for having an opinion… and I actually agree with you.

I didn't view it as "courting her favor," but more of a "reward" for her pious behavior. It's a total power play and it's somewhat similar to how Ramsay trained Theon or how a person trains their dog. He's "rewarding" her good and pious behavior. The trick is that Margaery knows Tommen is reporting her actions to the

Are they two entirely different people? When was the last time they were both in the same room at the same time? I demand evidence of that! I'll also accept Mark Hammil and Sebastian Stan, and Klay Thompson and Jon B.

This is the only reason my mom even watches How to Get Away with Murder and Empire. Before those two, she didn't watch anything but sports, the news and reruns of Frasier and the Golden Girls. I can't explain those last two, lol.

I always get mad at the black family tho when they choose to respond with the most hood-ghettorific answers ever, instead of just using common sense. Like Fam, we all know that the 100 people surveyed were white.

Barry saved Oliver's life at some point I believe, if he reset the timeline, Arrow should be dead. I think.

Can someone give a summary of the flashbacks? Did they have a point? That's usually the time I zone out.

Someone has probably already pointed this out, but with Barry saving his mom then in some weird ripple effect way wouldn't Earth-1 Wells maybe still be alive?? But I've already forgotten the back and forth time mechanics of last season.

Is this a regional thing? Both sides of my family are from Alabama and live in the Midwest, we always did salt and cheddar cheese (get outta here with that fake American cheese crap) in our grits. Mix in some eggs (either runny or scrambled) and some Canadian bacon… just made myself hungry.

I'm going to make an even more controversial statement: Turkey bacon is better than regular bacon. I'd rather have turkey bacon, hell, I'd rather have Canadian bacon (which, yeah, is just ham) than regular, crusty behind bacon.