
Being named Jonathan Groff and working in Hollywood is the same as being named Jon Favereau and being famous.

Ah okay. I don't watch Glee, so didn't know he was in that too. But yeah, I just thought he was insanely talented, lol. I mean, he's still insanely talented, just not also-producing-my-favorite-tv-shows-insanely-talented lol.

As funny as it was to find out Sue has been married for a year, I miss her and Kent as a couple, or whatever the hell it was they were doing, lol.

Wait? Isn't this the same Jonathan Groff from Looking and the Hamilton musical?

Dear Hulu,
Please bring back Happy Endings.

Yeah I think so… obsidian.

I think they just showed his eyes turning ice blue.

I really want to give RR the benefit of doubt, but you're not helping his case, lol.

Question: So in that greendream when Bran is watching Leaf and the Children of the Forest create a White Walker, who is that guy that they're turning from man to Walker? Can't be the Night's King right? Because he doesn't pop on the scene until years later when the Children help men build the Wall to keep the Walkers

Wasn't there supposedly some Children of the Forest on the Isle of Faces in the South? In the Riverlands right??

Yes, and this is my problem with Blake Lively. She's got a questionable history of little stuff like this. She got me damn near questioning Ryan Reynolds.

I'm not upset at this… I don't watch Legends, so I usually spend Thursday nights just watching Flash and Arrow on Hulu. Now I can add Supergirl to that mix.

Wow! Only 18 comment so far. I came here because I watched the first season and loved the soapiness, but stopped watching around episode 2 or 3 of this season. But last night my mom texts me to say that, "Empire was so good!!!" And I was like, hmmm, really? So I came here to see if it really was good. 18 comments and

Oh my God, I used to love this movie as a kid! Top That!

I'm just here to agree with you. I grew up in Detroit-area and Cedar Point was the school trip/Memorial Day weekend/Fourth of July weekend/Labor Day weekend vacation spot.

I had to do a double take at that photo it looked so much like Community.

Hmmm, there's literally no reason for me to start watching CBS.

But none of their soldiers have gone to war. Besides, I think we got confirmation that the Tyrells are only 2nd largest in Westeros in the latest episode.

Ah, how could I forget Gilmore Girls. Yeah, that's a great stretch of TV for a network.

Maybe that's what bothered me so much about that final scene. Or practically any of the God-Dany or Savior-Dany scenes. The show wants us to buy into the idea that we're supposed to be rooting for her and wanting her to end up on the Iron Throne. That may very well happen, but in the books I don't think GRRM is even