
Ohhhh, let's play this game. Stringer Bell is House Martell. Scheming in the background… ready to pull off power moves… and (maybe?) failing.

That monologue is great though. I can just picture Ian delivering it, with some amazing tracking shot… It'll probably be super cinematic.

Glenn is a fine character and all. I'd rather have him around than Rick. But he's no Jon Snow. Last I checked there's no "If Glenn dies, We Riot" t-shirts out there.

I hope they show it… I don't think they will. But I hope they do, because I really want to see them explain how he escapes when ANYBODY else wouldn't. If Glenn just pops up bleeding in alley somewhere and alive or hobbling down the road to Alexandria, I'm going to be pisssssseeeddddd.

Oh no, are we falling for it again? Damn you, Lindelof.

So I get that Patti was more than likely lying about the semen-filled chalice from Cairo, but did anyone else think about last season and the whole National Geographic rabbit hole on Cairo that Kevin's dad drove some us down??? Could there be some truth to Patti's lie?

Did anyone actually use Beats Music?

I groaned when I heard that voice. It was probably Glenn. Ugh, I hate that he managed to survive the unsurvivable.

I always wondered what happened to that guy… and his family. I like to imagine that they got out of Georgia ASAP unlike the Rick crew and made their way to Northern Canada where there are few people and it's super cold so whatever walkers there are would have frozen in the winter anyway.

Ok, I had to go back and look at what he said and I still think you're misinterpreting, which I understand. Mindy Kaling got the same criticism for always placing herself opposite white, male romantic interests. Despite the fact that an Indian opposite a white male/female, in of itself, is a form of diversity. You're

I was wondering the same about that Good Wife role. I also hope Garrett gets some type of Walking Dead role. It sounds like he was actively campaigning for that Negan part because he's a big fan of the show.

I've never took his calls for racial diversity to mean "just racial diversity for men." I would point to Noel Wells and also Lena Waithe, both on Master of None. I keep seeing this argument a lot lately with Aziz Ansari and his show and I think you want to be careful, because it sounds like you're making either an

This… will be a disaster

Nope… he lost that Walking Dead "Negan" role to Jeffrey Dean Morgan

I was coming here just to complain about this! Because the previews to next week look like the focus is on Rick's manic-pixie-dream-girl and I could not be any less interested in her or her kids.

oh i want to watch this

Another reason why I don't think Matt raped Mary… They explain the fact that she's even pregnant is a miracle onto itself. She's over 40 and in a vegetative state… yet when she was healthy and younger, they learned they couldn't even have children. The miracle isn't just in Mary waking up to participate in this act,

Yo this is a really messed up and outdated view of rape. It doesn't matter how many times a person gives consent to another person to have sex… if they're unable to give consent even once it's considered rape. Rape occurs in marriages quite often. Even if it's not a violent attack, the fact that a wife can't consent

Something is happening. And after millions of people just up and disappear one day, I don't know why this is so hard to believe. You'd think people in this world would be more open-minded. Although Matt does give off that crazy vibe, but for us viewers… it shouldn't be hard to believe.