
I've always been curious about the people who actually watch Bones and have managed to get it to 11 seasons? I've never met anyone that says they watch the show regularly, but it's obviously doing well to survive being on a major network. It's not like the CBS procedurals… I imagine the Boomers and grandparents do a


I loved the Jaws ride as a kid, but I never think twice about it when I go to Universal now as an adult.

I have a sorority sister who is huge Fallon fan. I mostly like him whenever he's around Justin Timberlake, but that's about it.

I thought that was really really odd.

Flashbacks possibly. Zombie maybe.

Ugh… I don't think I can put up with Maggie dealing with Glen's death… but at least it means her character will actually "do something."

A million "likes" to this

Yet next week looks like a standalone Morgan episode….

There will probably be flashbacks and Glenn is definitely dead. I'm also hearing folks say that Maggie is pregnant???

I didn't even really like the Bombadil chapter in the book. Skimmed.

And Barry, being a good friend, would be there to comfort Oliver.

So you're telling me it's time for me to start watching again?

Okay, Theory Corner:

I was starting to warm up to Michael until that last speech. Ugh, it was disgusting.

Mateo is the cutest baby!

I agree… I still don't know what @avclub-4e47f6a561dbe6724a331cf235f76e8a:disqus meant by EU except European Union. Did you mean "entire universe", "Empire Universe," "Empire Union," …. this is me trying to use my context clues and clearly failing.

I've never even heard of One Day At a Time… but love Gilmore Girls… grew up with the show.

You kind of have to remember that back in the 90's… people didn't necessarily watch one show over another on Friday nights… they watched TGIF. If you were going to start at … what was it 8 p.m. with one TGIF show you were going to watch all of them. There was no turning the channel to anything else. At least, not for

I remember being a huge Step-by-Step fan in the mid-to-late 90's… in fact, a bunch of my friends and I re-enacted the show for our middle school talent show. This would've been maybe 1997ish…