
That's true… I forgot about Whiplash, but that's pre-Fantastic Four. But I imagine that film is enough to help him move forward. He also has the Divergent series… so I doubt his checking account will suffer anytime soon. Maybe the problem is Ryan Reynolds trying to compare Fantastic Four to his Green Lantern. It's

While I do agree with the sentiment… Michael B. Jordan in this case is bouncing back quicker and better than Miles Teller. Teller, to be honest, had to carry Fantastic Four, and I don't know any big name movie project he's got next on his list. Meanwhile, Michael is starring in Creed, which from the looks of the

Or go there ever… I only see things from ClickHole when someone else sends them to me… I laugh but never feel the need to go there myself.

So you can put lipstick on a pig?

Probably. Spencer's and Hot Topic are pretty much the same store to me. They're always right next door to each other.

Don't walk into the back of a Hot Topic. Somehow it turns into a sex shop… or go ahead and walk into the back of one. Whatever floats your boat.

Interesting… I was literally just in Hot Topic yesterday to buy my Tardis light headband for Halloween and I noticed the AHS line. I had no idea it was new, since it seems to just mesh with everything else in the store. It was in the same area as the Supernatural merch. I distinctly remember thinking, they have

I'm starting to think they don't know how to end… Season 5 finale was perfect ending for this show. Short of actually, for real this time, we're really going to do it and kill the Winchesters… what else is there?

Although there are times when I notice films from the late 90s and early 2000s appearing on TCM and I have an anxiety attack about getting older. Although the day Robert Osborn has to give a brief introduction to the Marvel Cinematic Universe before showing Iron Man is the day I stop watching.

I agree. Season 1-5 were great. The entire arc, the way everything built of everything that came before it. The mythology, the history, and the ending… it wrapped the story perfectly. It wasn't a perfect show, but for The CW on a genre/niche subject to begin with, that was great.

There's this channel called Turner Classic Movies… supposedly that's where you can find the type of films you're talking about. My grandparents tell me they used to be very popular back in their day.

I can't help but laugh out loud to this summary… if for no reason but, "the Winchester boys may have unwittingly unleashed something even worse" is the premise of every new season of Supernatural. I stopped watching after Season 5, but love to read how this show is still managing to limp along.

Are you saying that was reason enough to change Asha to Yara? I'll never forgive that name change.

The Rickon/Dickon oncoming name mess is just going to infuriate me more about "Yara"…. They should just have left well enough alone. Her name is Asha! and no one confuses her with Osha.

One of us. One of us. One of us.

LOL, I think that's just your imagination, although the name "Dickon" doesn't help. We know very little about Dickon from the books, except he seems to be a more macho, less cowardly version of season 1 Sam.

Just wanted to say that it sounds like Esmail has everything figured out. Remember he wrote this as a film screenplay, then he realized it was too long. He said in an interview that this is only Act 1 of what he wrote.

Did anyone else find it weird that in all of the family imagery of young Elliot with his parents (even in those photos from the last episode when he realizes the truth of Mr.Robot), Darlene wasn't in any of them?? I'm assuming she's younger than Elliot, but she's not that much younger. They're obviously close in age,

Especially considering Redmayne was just baiting last year as Stephen Hawking. Seriously, are they just checking off boxes on a list or something

So Redford initially wanted Paul Newman to play the other old guy, but Paul died. Still he had been working to get this made before Paul's death. I'm amazed no one jumped on a Redford and Newman as old men movie quicker.