
Remember when Janet and Justin did it on network tv during the Super Bowl and we couldn't shut up talking about it for months….

I skipped. I was off adulting… by watching HBO's Show Me a Hero.

And then you used "coloured people" soooooo your point is invalid and racist.

Is it just me or has the Harry Potter series as a whole (books and films) just not withstood the test of time. I mean, I was 11 or 12 (can't remember) when I started reading the series (that would have been 1998ish)? And it seems as if every Harry Potter tidbit that emerges diminishes how great this thing was or used

"People of Color" doesn't only mean black.

I don't understand your argument. One is a respected journalist with decades of reporting experience under her belt and the other is a comedian.

Pan's Labrinth is a horror film?? Huh, go figure. One of my favorites regardless

I'm optimistic it'll be released between February and April.

I agree, especially considering the character path that unnamed person has taken and the predictions/potential prophecy for that person's future.

True, but Stannis is still alive in the books (along with Barristan) and somehow their TV deaths don't seem as big a deal to me because there's a chance they could exist for a long time in the books.

Legit question for book readers….

I agree wholeheartedly. She went from being one of my favorite characters in the first book to one of my most hated by book 5. Not even Emilia Clark can salvage my feelings about that character.

I think the point is having the choice to binge or not binge. That choice is somewhat being taken away. There are some shows I absolutely cannot binge, like Daredevil. There are some shows I can only binge in chunks, like Orange is the New Black ( for example, 5 episodes one day, wait a week or two, then do another 3

Not cool, Hulu.

I mean it might have been lame 40 years ago, but it's not to 90s kids who watched it on TV.

Not if you were a kid watching the movie on TV in the early 90s. But yes, if you were an adult. But since 90s kids are all about the nostalgia these days it can't be lame according to the Law of Inverted Lame and Time.

Why did you even put that idea into the universe?

This! All of this!

I thought this had to do with Kimmy Schmidt…

The name and the fact that it's on the CW have kept me away. But I'll look into it.