
I share this same problem even now as a 29-year-old woman. Addy and Josefina (chosen by my mom based on my heritage). I always feel sorry for any woman or girl who never got the AG doll experience.

Somehow the 12th Doctor is going to be involved, right??

The Rock and Kevin Hart are already filming a movie together…

Also… I'm pretty certain they are actually filming a movie together based on Hart's Instagram account.

Yeah, she did, but I can see the he-said-she-said argument. I still don't get why something like that would lead to an "administrative leave". In that case, wouldn't ever D-list celebrity make those claims?
Chances are I'm spending way too much time on this, but it's been annoying me, lol.

So why was he on administrative leave if he didn't do it? Wouldn't the common sense reaction be that if her bribe didn't work, he hauled her to jail, thus bribe didn't work and he's off the hook?? Nevermind… plot.

Ballers is the prequel to Walking Dead.

For the record, I'm watching it and have never seen (nor do I plan to) Entourage. As an aside, one of my sorority sisters tried to convince me to watch Entourage recently by saying, "It's Sex and the City, but for guys." Which solidified my decision to never watch.

If anything the show made it all the more confusing… I kept wondering why if he's a franchise player, his deal was already up after one year. It'd be nice if they clarified how many years Vernon has been with the Cowboys.

I'm confused did he or didn't he get the blow job from the Lindsey Lohan wannabe?

That lake looked huge. Janae could probably have reached another point, but most of those inmates are out of shape, under shape and clearly not fed well. They wouldn't have lasted long before getting tired, and that's if they're strong swimmers in the first place.

Daya's baby is definitely going to end up in foster care, right? Just like her siblings. That's usually how these things go if both parents are locked up and there aren't any other family members that can step up to the plate. Ah… but that's where Mary Steenbergen would come back in and could take over guardianship.

That would be some genius casting. I don't know for what film. But Benedict Cumberbatch playing Asa Butterfield's dad or the older/younger version of a character would make perfect sense.

That's the even crazier part. I don't blame you for not remembering, I zoned out myself a few times. So they decide to go off map east to an area neither Eragon or Saphira had been before so they can't hurt people (or something like that) to train new dragons and riders. Only, they've never been there before, so my

That and it takes so freaking long to actually end. Eragon, via plot contrivance, manages to "save the world." But then there follows chapter upon chapter of what turns out to be one long epilogue about rebuilding Alagaesia. Or, as best as I can tell, the author's attempt at re-writing the end of LoTR.

I'm assuming his PTSD has made him impotent. Not that he's gay.

It honestly took me 40 minutes to figure out what the hell was going on… I finally just had to pause my HBOGo and read a plot summary online.

I was thinking the same exact thing. It's so common at this point that I'm sure they'll address it. I vaguely remember hearing Columbia U or something has a broadcasting workshop for former athletes to help them.

Vampire Academy… also called Exposition Academy or The School of Who-The-Hell-Edited-This-Thing.

I agree whole-heartily about this, but also want to clarify something based off @JGoo:disqus comment. The "YA" section was there to also make the "tween/pre-teen" crowd feel good about themselves. I remember being 11 and going into the book section of Hudson's department store (before it was Marshall Fields and before