
For awhile there Divergent, The Host, The Mortal Instruments and that film with Mila Kunis and Channing Tatum as a dog were all the same film to me. The trailers looked the same. The music sounded the same. The actors (minus dog Channing Tatum) even looked the same. I'm amazed Divergent managed to do well in the end.

I just saw this film over the weekend. It's on Showtime. And my first thought was, here's another YA series that won't get a sequel.

I just recently finished The Inheritance Cycle and I want my time back. The ironic thing about this film is that if it had just stayed true to the novel, it probably would have made more money, bu the books get progressively worse, even as the author's writing improved.

So I've seen all of these movies except Alex Rider and I've read none of the books these films were adapted from. The Golden Compass, Lemony Snicket and City of Ember all left me wanting more. I know there are a ton of problems with The Golden Compass, but it ends with so many questions just left hanging. Lemony

Random question, but did anyone else binge the four episodes that were available for streaming? I did and now I'm wondering if that was a bad move for UnReal to post all of them at once. For one, I barely remember this episode except for the crazy mother. But I wonder how many viewers stop paying attention when you go

I don't know why they would do that. Call Sam back to the Wall so they can kill him too? Sam had just as many friends back there as Jon did. I'm sure Thorn is just as happy he's gone.

At least until Melisandre can team up with Thoros and work some blood magic. Keep hope alive…

The mess that became Dorne this season has me worried about what they'll do with Oldtown next season.

There were plenty of other ways to talk about a Targaryen/Martell alliance than the Quentyn chapters. If that alliance were real anyway. I think that was Doran hedging his bets. If anything, I would say his importance was in showing how not to kidnap a dragon, although there were other ways to do that too.

Skimmed her chapters too… up until Lady Stoneheart.

I would say the same thing too as a writer. Doesn't mean it's true. Not to mention, every writer believes every word is important. Even all of those damn meal details have importance to George.

I did a lot of skimming of ADWD and AFFC anyway sooooooo, neither book got to anything good until the last few chapters anyway.

I have a follow-up question related to this. Because in the books, I was under the impression that Stannis won Winterfell when (blanking on the name, but the Northerners who bring Theon and FauxArya) to Stannis camp defect???

I don't know why everyone is so quick to believe Kit Harrington on Jon being truly dead. This is like Stephen Amell talking about Arrow being truly dead during the mid-season break of that show. This type of talk keep fans on the edge of their seat and freaking out so it just seems like a huge shock when he does come

Does this still exist? Can I go to Macy's and catch a whiff like right now? These questions demand answers.

But now I'm a Big G!

Wasn't there a perfume called "Sunflowers" that was a big hit in 1995? I vaguely remember being addicted to this scent as a child.

True. But my parents had (still don't) zero understanding of gaming consoles.

What ever happened to Des'ree? Feel like I haven't seen her since Romeo + Juliet. I'm sorry William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet.

Virtual Boy is the reason I never got a Playstation as a kid. My parents kept complaining that I didn't play with the Virtual Boy enough. I don't even remember the games I had, but I do remember the headaches. That feeling hasn't stopped me from wanting to fly home to my parents' house and dig through the attic for