
Only because I've heard this theory bounced around within like the last couple of hours (because D&D said GRRM told them this would happen to Shireen), but it could be that Shireen's death is potentially tied to Melisandre bringing Jon back to life on The Wall. I guess the basic conclusion is that Shireen's death

With all of this talk of Lady Stoneheart possibly appearing can someone share just exactly how she would fit into any of the stuff this season? I say this to point out that Jaime is in Dorne (so no threatening Brienne to bring him in and murder him). We also haven't seen Brotherhood Without Banners since what… Season

Just wanted to add that on the "making of" scenes that (I'm guessing) come on after the episode (they do on HBOGo), David was saying that George told them this would happen to Shireen. So yeah, it will happen in the books. Spoiler??? I don't even know what a spoiler is anymore with this show.

That Shireen scene was painful to watch. I also don't know if anyone watches the "extra making of" scenes that come on (I watch on HBOGo, so not sure if they show those on actual HBO after the episode too) but I found it interesting that one of the showrunners (think it was David) was saying how shocked they were when

What accent will she be butchering on this show?

Toying with them because he sees "something" in Jon??? I like that.

Man that was exciting! It actually feels nice to be sitting on the edge of my seat and wondering what's going to happen next (and not in a bad way like with
Sansa and the Bolton mess). This show does undead stuff far better than The Walking Dead.

I refuse to engage in a Pepsi vs. Coke fight when we all know Coke is the winner, especially now that I know Peggy Olson's "mama bear" reality was reinvented in the polar bear Coke ads from the 90s. This was the natural succession of things…

Or a vasectomy

The Coke folks must be very happy for all this free advertising. I'm assuming Pepsi is probably feeling the same way they did back in the early 70s playing second-fiddle… again.

My thoughts on the infamous scene:
This is the problem with "little changes".

They didn't know Jaime and Bronn would be there at that moment, but last episode they knew Jaime snuck into Dorne and would be heading toward Myrcella.

So Bronn's going to die right? Why else did they zoom in on that cut he got on the arm from one of the Sand Snakes? No doubt the edge was laced with poison.

I agree. Michael is boring and even his involvement in the Sin Rostro plot has been a drag. I have zero interest in him or his partner. Hopefully that improves next season because I get what some #TeamMichael fans see, but Rafael is bae.

I literally laughed out loud at that moment. Just felt the writers were trolling us.

No. It wasn't

I'd watch Orphan Black now if there were a way to catch up and stream without an Amazon Prime membership.

I just have one minor complaint… remove Charlie Hunnam and replace with Travis Fimmel. I'm certain these two look so alike that there's obviously been a mistake.

I hate everything about "Brienne helps Sansa escape Winterfell." This may be due to Brienne becoming my least favorite character, which is why I groan anytime she's on screen. Keeping my fingers crossed that if that does happen, it will be good, but I'm dreading the storyline moving that direction.

Still rowing.