
DC should just stick to TV. Outside of Wonder Woman, I have no interest in any of those movies. Also, is the 2018 Flash movie going to feature the same people from The Flash tv show?? In which case, I'm all in on that one.

The new or most recent comics called "Captain Marvel" focus on Carol Danvers. The Carol Corp, her fans, are a strong and vocal group. I attended Dragoncon this year and attended a late night panel on race, gender and sexuality in comic books and the Captain Marvel writer Kelly Sue Deconnick was there. She's working

Kind of both… That initially the creator, I think it was Terrence Winter, was giving interviews about how they wanted to film the Atlantic City conference of 1929 and they imagined the series running much longer with all the different stories they could tell… But then ratings fell off and HBO gave them 8 episodes for

This was a fine ending, but I wish we could have seen what the writers originally wanted to do with this series. Seems like they had great ideas for grandeur in the beginning, like wanting to film the Atlantic City conference where all the bosses got together, but they couldn't because of one actor. I read somewhere,

Thought it was interesting that those four young college guys happily bumping into Nucky on the boardwalk was in some way a callback to Jimmy Darmody being a Princeton man and his inability to be that happy college kid because of Nucky's fate with the Darmody clan.

My friend and I were cheering for the guy beating her up. It's messed up, I know, but we've made it a sport to s**t on Laurel whenever she's on screen.

This is everything.

You know there's a problem when fans are rooting for Laurel to get her ass kicked. (i.e. What happened when my friend and I watched this episode). I don't even know if her becoming Black Canary is redeeming, especially since Sara was head and shoulders better at it..

Playing devil's advocate… when a white woman wears fake eyelashes, wig and makeup is she in drag??

At that point I called my mom on the phone. Her first words to me when she picked up the line were: "Are they really showing this on TV?"
Followed by me trying to figure out if Annalise had cancer, because NO WAY were they showing a black woman removing her wig, makeup and eyelashes. BTW, I'm relieved to know that she

I'm going to regret offering my two cents as well… but "drag" works both ways. There are drag kings (women who dress as men). It's just one more reason why I disagreed with @jay_see:disqus original statement. It's a false comparison. All women on some level wear masks (makeup) when they're out and about. It's the

Is that kid supposed to be Tommy Darmody??

I have no idea what the heck happened this episode and I watched it. The previews look pretty okay though for next week.

I noticed that I disliked Laurel a little less this episode than usual. I also kind of stopped paying attention to anything she was doing on screen, but I'd call that progress.

OMG, I love this!! I never understood why the parents' solution was to erase Anna's memory. The girl had a concussion and was unconscious. But how in the hell do you think erasing her memory helps Elsa??? Just bad parents. Jeez this movie is overrated.

I was just pointing out my "main" issue, you just hit the nail on the head with my other concerns. X-Men at least says "genetic mutation" or "evolution" but Frozen just randomly has some throw away line about Elsa being "born" with powers/magic. As if every once in awhile some random Nordic family gets magical ice

I will miss the Revenge coverage. I will admit that I went away for Season 2 and 3, but thanks to Netflix… I'm back! Only now, you're leaving… now what am I supposed to do? Read Boardwalk Empire? Hahahahaha

The one… okay, not one, but the main reason I disliked Frozen so much was that it never explained how Elsa got her powers. Her parents say she was "born" with them and that's it. My one hope is that I can at least get a decent explanation.

Look up her background. She's basically in the good ol boys/girls club.

Surfbort. Surfbort. Grin'in on Jake's wood. Grin'in..Grindin on Jake's wood!!!