
Anything with more sexy Jake!! Those eyes. That chest! How dare teenage me think Scott Speedman was hotter than Scott Foley. How dare Olivia talk through sexy time! How dare Olivia even think about Fitz when sexy eyes was right there!! "I'm the one you like to ride!" Indeed.

I actually like the theme song

I can't just be leaving my phone anywhere, I have way too many celebrity contacts. LOL

Glad to see the funny continuing on The Mindy Project. I died laughing at the "Get your big ass in there" from Diamond. Also that strip tease at the end had me squealing with laughter like a teenager girl.

That's a big leap. You may be right, but why wouldn't Dean and Kevin Sr. just meet and talk to each other? I still think there are invisible voices, maybe the Raptured or something else, who are communicating with them.

I noticed that. Which means the voices want Kevin to help the GR keep the rapture on everyone's mind??? Maybe?

Just to add, because I think this gave her character more depth in the book: She enjoyed the silence and kept going about her business for a few moments before it sunk in what had happened.

Ohhh, I saw that drawing on the back of the cabin wall too and thought it was horses, especially after Patti started talking about horses in her speech. Got me thinking of the four horsemen of the apocalypse…

There were also horses drawn on the back corner of the cabin wall. When Patti mentioned the "horsemen", my mind went straight to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Also, did anyone else catch Kevin's no-name-dog-killing-friend on his way out of the cabin turning his head to say something like "awww, shut up, I

Aslaug was the shiny, new object that Ragnar had to have. He never planned to leave Lagertha.

Really disagree with this review! This was a very strong episode worthy of an A-. Carol, Tyrese and those little girls did an excellent job. So much of what happens is because of everything that has been building for at least the past two season: Carol's abusive past, Sophia, how Mika and Lizzie lost their father, how

The camera work in this episode was excellent. This may have been my first time paying attention to it, but whoever directed or whatever this episode did a really great job.

My coworker, who is also black, joked with me that the "twice as good" mantra must be handed out at the hospital to black parents after their baby is born. I've been hearing that mantra since I was a kid. It is what it is. It's tragic, but also very true.

Does anybody ship Sookie/Bill? I was an early fan shipper of Sookie/Eric, but lately I'm just shipping Sookie/death. There's no one character I want to see die more. Be daring, True Blood, either kill off Sookie or turn her, cause I don't think I can watch another scene of her

Oh yeah, the brownies were a winner. Nothing like drowning in chocolate and red wine to soothe your soul the aftermath of the Red Wedding.

I always wondered were the musicians also trained archers, because I imagine that's a great skill to supplement your income with, or were the archers trained musicians, in which case did they go to a special army school in Westeros or what?? Because all the musicians in this place seem to be the last people you'd want

So I brought brownies to the viewing party I went to this evening with one girl who is a newbie and never read the books, and another newbie whose boyfriend read the books and spoils it for her sometimes. I think they knew something was wrong the moment I started bawling after the theme song.

I agree. I've loved their interactions and the chemistry between the two actors, especially in the first two seasons. Yet somehow I was both uncomfortable and wanted them to stop… but also kinda wanted them to keep going. What's wrong with me??

I didn't understand the end, so was it a trap by the Anglo Saxons or wasn't it? I can't imagine they would be that trusting of foreigners with weapons for it not to be a trap. Which would make Rollo right, I guess. I don't know, Floki seemed threatened and I'm going to trust Floki over Rollo in an instant.

I'm just going to assume that every Swedish actor with the last name Skarsgård is "Stellan's son".