
Legend says she will only die when Putin leaves power

My grandmother was in her 80s when she was basically begging to die already. It was really sad to hear, she kept saying things like “people aren’t meant to live this long” and “I’m just tired, I don’t want to be here.” She died at 86. If she lived past 100, she’d be cranky as hell.

Seriously this woman’s story is exactly why I look askance at younger people looking for ways to live well beyond 100. Not the never having a happy day part, but the exhaustion part. Living well past 100 doesn’t give you the ability to spend extra decades in the prime of your life. You just get longer to be old, and

I’m on my third pass on that last sentence and still have no clue, but would love some exposition, if you’re so inclined.

What you decide to do is entirely your decision. Changing it doesn’t make you a bad feminist, and not changing it doesn’t make you a bad wife (your identity is a mountain, not a molehill).

2 points:

Good luck to NASA. If their efforts turn out anything like mine they’ll end up with a large pile of helicopter parts in their basement. Seriously, you kids don’t know how easy you have it with these drones that hover by themselves; flying one of these things is a difficult task.

I still wonder if Sacha Baron Cohen would have looked the part a little better...? Definitely watching this regardless!


Will they last?

Kinda yes, but kinda no. There are some politically conservative Jews who appreciate the generous financial and military support from the US, yet still think their American allies are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts and friendship. Some of them have never even heard of the Rapture part.

I don’t think they’re unaware of that; the manipulation goes both ways.

Another thing that galls me is how most evangelicals Christians are anti Semite...but “the bible says” they’ll go.

I don’t think most people realize the extent to which Evangelicals love Israel but hate Jews.

Yes- that promise has been made for the past 30 years.

Word to Jewish Israelis: tRump and his Evangelical pals actually do not give a rip about you or your country or your religion. They merely want to use you as a pawn toward their weird rapture goals. As you’re not “saved” (along with Catholics - no matter how much they’ve helped in the “pro-life” death march), you

i live in a state that was Mexico barely more than a 100 years ago. Ppl might differ w/your statement.

rewriting geography and erasing history, swell

This is what Trump envisions with Mexico if he ever builds his stupid fucking wall