
i heard this thing on radiolab about this korean kid and his other friend (who was also korean) and the judges gave them the word "oriental" and they kept laughing and laughing and were like "can you spell oriental" and all this shit and he stood up at the podium and spelled racist and left

have u seen the mean alex tumblr? it's all these quotes of alex trebec being sassy

I saw this when i was working in them gym i was like YAAAS u g

i know the feeling honestly i had really bad eating habits in middle school and high school and it got to the point where i tried 2 run in front of a bus so i know what it feels like when you're not in control but you'll def get some good karma points honestly!!

i think we should

i think the only reason im still laughing is because i do fem dom shit on the internet and hes a weak little piggy

yeah i feel i thought i would be safe a junior college because they're wouldnt be as many sexual assaults because there arent any dorms but i was wrong and i have been on edge all day all week all YEAR

ya gross

MY DAD DOES THAT NOT ALL MEN THING AND IT PISSES ME OFF because its just like "well padRE someone in this car has been sexually assaulted and she really wants 2 tell u but she rather just halfway argue over cat calling"


also i dont know ONE black girl that would sleep with some half freak like this honestly this is coming from an actual black girl


yeah i know look at urban planning

it's the first sign of the race war duh

good honestly send him back 2 australia

i hope he gets sent back 2 australia it was made for criminals

lemmings dont even jump off cliffs disney did that for a movie or st in the seventies and now its common fact...disney had 2 throw lemmings off a cliff to get the effect. but i get what CC is saying

why did anyone think that was okay?? like PUTTING YOUR HANDS ON A NOTHER PERSON REGARDLESS OF GENDER IS BAD???? did these people never go 2 preschool wtf

sometimes i get rly stoned and watch that vid and i will laugh for like 12 hours

why isnt wifi available everywhere honestly????