Olive oil deserves a place on the list. Good popcorn topping.
Olive oil deserves a place on the list. Good popcorn topping.
Go back to Goop, Pepper Potts.
It’s a good thing I’m not here to make friends, because I voted for ordering in.
And I can barely get 4G on my stupid phone.
There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Common Sense.
Please tell me this is real!? I need to see this.
Please don’t
Speaking fee: Airfare and hotel, $3.50, and a turkey club, NO MAYO.
There was no sign that said FUCK DREW or anything, although that would have been understandable.
Yeah, there are a lot rose-tinted glasses being worn when it comes to this car’s looks. If you aren’t looking for the retro lines and cues, this is An Ugly Car. If you are, great - you do you. But I’m firmly in the donotwant.gif camp over here. Saw it in person at the LA show and I’ve seen better looking Italian at…
Speaking of lawsuits, update your resume, bitch.
Anyone else get the feeling that this movie is going to be more of a hot mess than Fantastic Four (any of them)?
It’s a pretty rare fucking moment when Lazio supporters look better in comparison.
It could have been a lot worse. They could have been Sharta Prague fans.
Shout out to the Mavs Fan For Life with the solid Arrow reference. If only DeAndre were as passionate at keeping his promises as Slade Wilson.