Can confirm Puyopuyo Tetris is legit and easy enough to stumble your way through the menus. I’d love to know what’s going on in the seemingly ridiculous story mode, but I didn’t mind making it up as it went along.
Can confirm Puyopuyo Tetris is legit and easy enough to stumble your way through the menus. I’d love to know what’s going on in the seemingly ridiculous story mode, but I didn’t mind making it up as it went along.
I actually prefer them. Seeing cops in uniforms bums me out (but I for sure want them to be identifiable).
It must be a hell of a conversation at Nintendo when they price things. They truly believe in not devaluing their own product and do not believe in market trends. Game should be $5 max. $3 is probably the sweet spot.
Because you can freely travel from one home to the other as they are in the same country. You have to be on friendly terms with another country to let your own citizens move about your own country as it’s disjointed.
I want Doom guy where the eyes shift every few sexonds
If the best don’t want to work for him, he can find idiots.
People keep pulling these numbers out of their ass and ignoring the fact that the majority of phones were only owned for several weeks. No one knows what the failure rate actually is because the device was pulled so fast due to the number of cases in a short time span. It’s so fucking stupid to keep holding onto these…