
Well here’s the problem right now it’s just not a lack of near term profit but the fact that you have that and the whole other mess of Uber’s problems on top of that. The biggest issue isn’t how profitable they are right now but that they are lacking a plan of how they are going to become profitable. They are going to

From what I’ve seen, startups don’t seem to have any consistent competence in hiring anyone other than software developers.

It also relies on the idea that one is more special than others and is entitled to take advantage of the social contract they’ve created but not agree to its rules.

Oh, please, you REALLY believe that?

Haha ok. I have full time employment and I can leave when I want too.

I think you over-estimated the value of $600.

Exactly. Discriminating against the old, disabled and poor is good for business, which is why we have outlawed it. (and why the current administration is busily at work attempting to dismantle our government)

^^^ This.

Yeah, we’re “sharing” alright. I share my money with you and you share your service with me.

ie commerce, business, trade, etc.

Never said anything about people being dumb, but I guess you’re welcome.

This along with having regulated rates.

They are not making enough money for those deductions to matter.

“Driving with uber seems incredibly profitable if you do it in your part time like it’s designed.”

“You think airlines will keep pilots, trucking companies will keep truckers, cites will keep bus drivers, or farmers will keep steering-wheel-holders on the payroll once autonomous becomes cost effective?”

Not covering even half your costs on fares is the killer. You can’t even make that up on volume, as the old saying goes.

Actually, it only seems incredibly profitable for the drivers if you don’t take into account the added costs for gasoline, repair, and depreciation.

Preach. It isn’t ride-sharing when I’m paying you to take me someplace.

Uber fares are both too cheap and too expensive.

A couple of missed points: if/when regulators start treating ride sharing companies as the taxi companies they actually are, their expenses will skyrocket. In Portland, OR, taxi fleets are required to have more insurance, 24/7 phone based dispatching, and a percentage of the fleet must be wheelchair accessible. All of

Fucking good, Uber’s “I swear, I’m not a taxi service” Bullshit needs to stop. All these governments are just giving Uber a pass to completely ignore rules that everyone else has to follow is dumb.