I love how you all have been conspicuously ignoring these great articles about St. Ta-Nehisi of the 14e Arrondissement, Charger of $100k Speaking Fees Since His New Book:
I love how you all have been conspicuously ignoring these great articles about St. Ta-Nehisi of the 14e Arrondissement, Charger of $100k Speaking Fees Since His New Book:
Just the part where the protesters get shot...
Blindgossip had a blind item that said he did a porno even. I hope that’s true. I am praying that’s true. Dear Satan, please let that be true.
The gay sex thing, we only care, or at least I only care, when the issue of hypocrisy comes up. Like all the Marco Rubio gay rumors are totally fair because he’s working against gay rights so if he’s gay, why shouldn’t everyone know about it? It’s that much worse when a member of an oppressed minority helps in their…
I feel like he didn’t pay so much attention to the major themes of the story though?
What I really find beautiful about statements like that is the unbridled arrogance of them. You don’t get to decide who goes to hell. God does. Show some goddamn humility to the Big Guy you choose to believe in.
I know...I posted it here the other day. Rubio was also arrested in a park where gay men go to have sex.
I am torn about this. On the one hand it would be great if we could focus on actual policy issues; on the other, I agree with what I heard Barney Frank say recently: You have a right to privacy, but not hypocrisy.
There are some fun rumors going around about Marco Rubio living life as an out twink in Miami. He used to be roomates with a dude that produced gay porn.
Provided the rumor is about something consensual, then yes, I agree. I also do not want to know anything about Ted Cruz’s sex life. Just writing “Ted Cruz’s sex life” (twice now) makes me want to hurl.
I think it’s obviously implied to be sucking his own dick.
Hard for me to believe in his debating prowess when he goes to the ad hominem of “Your mom’s a whore.” I know it wasn’t an official debate, but a decent debater ought to have an argument about abortion without resorting to whore. Sure, many don’t. But, seriously, a decent debater should be able to.
He does have a shit-eating grin
Every single “nice” thing someone said about him, as quoted in this article, is pretty much textbook damning with faint praise. It’s pretty beautiful to witness.
Ted Cruz: Duck Hunt is, at least, phonetically accurate.
Not to be a huge downer (which means I’m about to be a downer) but I’m glad they don’t mention what the rumor was.
Do you think Ted Cruz just really liked playing Duck Hunt because it was the closest he could get to shooting a gun while at school?
I have no words. Which is unusual for me...