Always fascinating to see how quickly the radical left supports Big Government controlling speech, expression, and thought.
Always fascinating to see how quickly the radical left supports Big Government controlling speech, expression, and thought.
Timothy is HBO a sponsor every week we get John Oliver or some HBO show article normally in favor of the program mentioned? Unless it is GoT, then people are up in arms because of characters being raped.
So glad you think so. Fact is, nothing short of an armed insurgency is going to change the status quo. The rich will continue to get rich off of the working class, and no feel good politician is, will, or wants to change that.
So glad you read my post that way. It was a legitimate question. Fact is, your generation has the attention span of a sugar adled three year old. If you truly, honestly believe that Bernie is a viable candidate, then your generation must be dumber than I thought. How’s that for being a dick?
How’s that OWS working out for your generation?
The Steelers would beat Notre Dame. Hard to argue with that.