
Just like people used to be “certain” that skin color determined value, that women shouldn’t have rights, and that the earth was flat and they were “certain” that these things shouldn’t change within their lifetime or else life as we know it would be ruined

Why do you assume that transhumans (whatever that may be) would lose the ability to learn history or sympathize with their elders?

Our cultural heritage is as relevant to transhumans as cave paintings are to us.

Please make it explicitly clear to me how the Transhumanist movement wishes to kill or harm anyone unjustly.

Using technology to transcend human limitations is quite another.

Transhumanists are talking about exterminating humanity within my lifetime. I’d prefer to not rush this particular milestone.

Transhumanism is human extinction. Sorry, I won’t vote for that.

All ideologies are dangerous in one manner or another. But transhumanism is the only sure bet we have to avoiding the inevitable extinction-level events that will sooner or later wipe out most complex lifeforms off this planet.

How is reaching for our full potential and unhindering humanity’s progress dangerous?