Let Me In The House, Rosie!!!!

DT bout to review the Gladiator like

One thing I give Bay over Snyder will always be that Bay at least doesn’t seem to have any weird delusions of grandeur. He knows he shoots the boobies and explosions with cameras, and he’s gonna keep doing that. 

It isn’t even this. It is that he OBVIOUSLY has superpowers. The premise of Batman is a human at peak condition, peak intelligence. So the premise is imposing real world limitations on him. Alright, let’s go with that.

Realistic approach about a guy that dresses up like a bat and an alien that wears a bright red cape? Trying to justify both of these characters with no kill codes of morality murdering on screen as realistic is a pretty silly thing to say. When you make an adaption of an established character the core of the mythos

I love the fact that Keanu Reeves took the role of John Wick as a favor to his former stunt double who is the director of the series.

Impressive that we get this trailer and this in a short span.

Fact: Soda takes years off your life.

Maybe Moaning Myrtle’s place wasn’t a restroom? It was another flush-your-way-into-the-Ministry-of-Magic entrance?

At this point, the phrase “shit or get off the pot” comes to mind.

I dunno this looks like Big Autism has set its sights on Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Capitalism, and freedom in general. Thanks Obama!

1992 is memorable because it was anomalous for the time.  The difference is that we are having year after year of 1992's.  When anomalies are normative, something’s up.

Wow it’s almost like the weather is getting weirder and much more intense for some totally unknown reason

Just in case, I’m going out this morning to buy obscene amounts of marijuana gummy bears and distilled water. They will find me in a thousand years hydrated, happy and frozen solid.

Or, I’ll be at work in a couple hours pretending not to be high as hell. Climate change!

That’s what you get for voting for Trump!

Mini Ditka vs. 3 Bomb Cyclones...Mini Ditka by a touchdown. DAAAA BEARS!

Bob: Very good. Very nice recovery, now how many heart attacks is that for you Todd?

Do you want The Day After Tomorrow? Because this is how we get the Day After Tomorrow. 

By those flow lines it looks like Chicago may be spared. Or not. However, we got Ditka to bat it away towards the twin cities. Coach Ditka versus the Bomb Cyclone, who would win?