BOOOOO! What state is that, just curious.
BOOOOO! What state is that, just curious.
Google your county name and “Early Voting 2018".
*Because about 50,000 Americans died, last year alone, from opioid overdoses. That’s more than the number of people who died in car crashes last year.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahhhh...that was good. I needed that. Thanks!
Just because it’s not fashionable today doesn’t meant that it wasn’t well received at the time.
Yeah, but, What Would Brian Boitano Do?!?!
I’m hearing crickets about Will Smith in Alladin.
Dude’s got range.
So long as he didn’t knock her out, I guess.
That’s what lame-assed corporate middle managers do.
Lady Venom, Anyone? Hotness, or was it just me?
To be fair, I don’t think he understands the 13th Amendment. To be fair, maybe he should shut the fuck up.
Whoo. That’s good to know. Thanks!
I gotta know, y’all. Did LL Cool J ever find that love that he needed?!?!?
Hell yes!
Too true. Where’s the small-overlap test rating on this car? Passing that test, made all the difference in my buying a subaru for my family.
Der....shoot it?
Seems like the NRA could use this to sell more guns.
They’ll be yelling about the deficit by then. $40 Trillion in debt!!!