Non Voter, because the system is broken

Similarly, I find all the Hillary supporters calling Bernie supporters racist a little amusing....
‘Hi, Pot. I heard the author of this piece’s real name is Kettle.”

+1 reasonable thought

Question: What is wrong with asking a politician to prove what they are saying is true?
I’m sure you have no problem asking Trump to prove that he has “many friends” who believe whatever he’s saying. Why shouldn’t someone be allowed to ask if they’re being pandered to?

Bottom line: If Clinton actually knew who she was

Not a version of: YOU figure it out.
Is that really too much to ask?
There are ways to encourage participation in politics (which should be done) without being condescending and evasive.

You can do the “outraged” thing...but watch what Clinton does from here on out.
The comment wasn’t applauding what is about to happen (as you very internetingly assumed). The comment was pointing out what was going to happen.

Bullshit. There are logical, unbiased reasons to not be gaga over Clinton. If you legitimately feel otherwise you are no better than the Bernie Bros.