
A few blocks down the street from where I live there was an altercation where a guy was stabbed to death trying to stop a fight between two people. He didn't know either one of them - But he probably didn't assume that the stranger would go that far — Someone acting as out of control as that 40 year old lady was does

because you implied anyone commenting on her in a negative manner that is a man must be ready to 'tee up on women' - which you led with.

the pattern is your play at emotion by insinuating sexism has anything to do with this.

Your ENTIRE argument is predicated around that if he had done anything else than what he did, he's just the same as all these idiots on the internet — which is absolute horseshit and you're too caught up in your own bullshit rhetoric to acknowledge anything that shows otherwise.

Subpar reading comprehension? - That's rich. You can't even make a statement without taking a childish personal attack approach.

We'll try this one last time - Try to comprehend the argument without getting butthurt about the sex of the people involved. Getting in a strangers face and then attacking them with their back turned is asking for it, regardless of your gender.

Actually, it's because sad people like you that blame victims love to post in the comments on Jezebel. But thanks for insinuating that because I stood up for someone defending themselves regardless of their sex, that I must be sexist or some sort of misogynist.

Judging by your comments there's a woman acting like a complete fool who gets a free pass for not having junk in her pants?

before? he already is.

Kremlin Dundee:

"That's not a knife, THIS is a knife." /pulls out shovel

Get out of here with your facts and logic! There's no place for you here!


they arent the same.. but okay... please continue to derp away.

Is this your first day on Deadspin?

'Some guy' has to be the guy in the video right?

if by 'go viral' you mean get a virus and die a slow and painful death without any fame or recognition.. then yes. By all means, go viral.

more or less, yes.