Came out last year.
No. Griffey did so much with far less power. I don’t give a fuck about steroid use but if you’re going to use them then you have to open yourself up to the, but what if so and so did?
Griffey > Bonds.
I’m not a fan of either but you guys have zero SB’s during his reign, no?
First of all, the OT is extremely fast paced. The prequels are slow as fuck, and edited poorly. That on top of horrible directing that resulted in the shit show that was Anakin/Padme.
30 years of fiction that was sometimes decent but just as often total garbage, absolute non sensical shit.
Those books were full of dumb as fuck plot points. Just absolute idiocy. There is no way you can have read them and thought, oh yea that’s all possible/makes sense. It’s fine to enjoy them, that’s what throw away books like those are for, enjoyment. But to be upset that Disney isn’t adhering to the pants on head…
Things that poster feels superior to and therefor references and infers are bad. AKA he’s a condescending prick but likes to think of himself as an intellectual and the younger generation is full of idiots.
Not everything has to be a twist to be good. This movie is good. The cinematography is great, the symbolism in shots is awesome (light vs dark showdown with blue on one side, red the other), and so on.
You could see it coming? Oh you fucking genius you!!! These are less predictable than the originals by the way, which…
You fundamentally don’t understand the movie, at all. The various points it makes went over your head.
Being dumb to make a point isn’t the entire point of the movie, it’s actually a small one. The larger point is about facism, military, etc. Read a synopsis but I mean, I’d really expect any adult to get it once being…
Delicious Kinja.
Ah that’s fair enough man. I have a xb1 and a pc. But if you’re poor like you are and can’t afford a console and pc, just a console obviously makes sense since you’re poor.
No shame in that, game any way you can :)
Is it 1993? Why can’t you do the same with a pc? The ignorant will make up any dumb/fake excuse to justify their shit.
Bahaha. You’re aware LoL had a control point map far before Hots came along? I don’t even play lol, and I’m aware of this.
Ray Lewis.
Kinja hot take. I’d take Curry at his best over Lebron at his best.