
To be clear, I see the "No one knows where she came from" part, but some speculation? It seems like a pretty big oversight.

Where on earth did his partner come from? What wolf is he mating with if there haven't been any in 100 years and he's the only one to come in? Honestly, I'm confused. I see that there's a "black" reference to the mate — meaning that there were common different breeds making a distinction? Then I still wouldn't see

Can anyone say yet whether it's worth seeing the movie in 3D or not? For reference, I HATED the Hobbit HFR 3D, but tend to enjoy 3D when done in other movies (Gravity, Avatar... not so much Transformers...). You know, it depends. Anyone have a comparison?

Exactly; I've always heard this in terms of "capacity" not actual grey matter, and the movie quote says "resources". Besides, there actually is some truth to the savantism paradox, and recent research shows that shutting down parts of the brain can cause other parts to become more productive. In a way, then, using

Or, more precisely, 劉徽 I believe.

"and what our government might owe us.". I just... no... NO. This is wrong thinking. The government "owes" us nothing. Not in the way the US works anyway. We decide what priorities to give the government, vote people around accordingly, pay taxes accordingly, and cycle through that until things get done. It's

Well, you can consider it whatever you want, but it's technically a very different thing. HDR literally requires increasing the dynamic range... this means seeing detail in darker and lighter sections of a photo that would be normally captured by the camera; typically something that a human eye could still see. Tone

The Saitek Cyborg Joystick was always one of my favorites... It's had several incarnations, but as a flight stick I always found it to be the perfect balance of customizable, cool, tactile, and all those good things:

The Saitek Cyborg Joystick was always one of my favorites... It's had several incarnations, but as a flight stick I

Siri can't even understand "Hello" in most of my normal driving conditions, let alone when I have the radio on and the windows down. Technology will eventually get there, but it isn't there yet, and in the mean time I like my tactile buttons and knobs. I've had my car for years and I think I can hit every button on

According to the article: "Amateur astrophotographer Syed Roshaan created the photo by focusing a telescope sharply on Sirius, and then moving the telescope around while taking a long-exposure photograph with a DSLR camera." So, yep.

Oddly, I didn't watch the video at first (it was supposed to be an audio trick, so I assumed the video was unimportant), and I heard different things for what it said was identical sounds in the first place., before I realized they wanted you to be watching... so... weirdness.