
Actually, from an engineering perspective, quite brilliant. But very illegal. It took this long for anyone to catch it. Plus one for engineers. Minus one for management.

I wonder how many black woman have applied to work at Twitter. Meaning, has Twitter rejected hundreds of qualified black women on purpose and hired only Asian and white instead, or have there been very few qualified black women applicants?

Because third wave feminism doesn’t give a shit about women being victimized by other women.

“more insufferable mom blogging” is the funniest possible reaction to this piece, i love it

“in the united states women have the RIGHT to not have their genitals cut up after birth”

Yup. And that’s too bad. There are some great people and thinkers who would definitely be considered Men’s Rights Activists, but the key thing is they understand intersectionality, and they understand the differing perspectives on different issues and the nuances in between. I should link them sometime, because they

I hope they didn’t try and flush it out of their systems by drinking water, it could only become more powerful.

Given that most serious studies these days show domestic violence to be a reciprocal problem (in about half of abusive relationships, both partners are abusive, the other half is split about 50/50 between men and women as single abuser), rather than the evil-men-beat-on-helpless-women mantra that the mainstream media

Holy Lord Jesus. There's no point to me saying any of this, because this community is so aggressively ignorant and anti-science on these subjects, but FUCKING NO. No. Evolutionary psychology is a legitimate discipline, built on the recognition that our brains evolved with the rest of us. Evolutionary psychologists,