What makes you think I am a member of the Klan?
What makes you think I am a member of the Klan?
It’s not that hard to kick someone to death...
I don’t think it’s more comfortable, because at least from where I am sitting it looks like there are these two (mostly, or entirely awful) groups fighting. While they might be small they are reflective of two broader (and less radical) groups in society, both of whom want to control the state.
In other words, here I…
So it’s okay to assault people if you’re small? Gotcha.
Also, don’t know if you missed it, but they dragged him into a crowd, pushed him on the ground, and kicked him a couple dozen times. He could have died.
What’re you on about? why are you so upset that I mentioned Anti-fa?
Sure some of them are, but I think thats the minority.
I think generally speaking a lot of them are white nationalists/white identitarians, as opposed to national socialists.
I’m not a nazi, I’m an anarchist.
Again, you are making things out to be very cut and dry and simple, but thats because you probably inhabit some sort of online echo-chamber.
So what makes you different from the “nazis” so called, who think that people who organize Antifa “counter protests” deserve it as well?
Wow what a simplistic narrative you have. Must be nice and comfortable.
hyuck hyuck you’re so clever!
Right which is why I was presenting the other side of what was already presented here.
Cops literally feet away doing nothing as she punches him over and over, before he gets dragged away by Anti-fa.
This shit is on both sides, don’t pretend it’s a one way street. Things are more complicated than your little narrative makes it out to be.
In your mind we should coerce people, who would be more productive in other places, to work in the service industry?
Pray tell, what do you think such a policy would do to the wages of that job, when there is a sudden spike in supply of people looking for such work?
This is an anti-social view, that directly harms the…
Well maybe it only gets a small amount of coverage because the vast majority of victims of homicide are men. It’s like 6 to 1. Not that you give a shit.
You realize that isn’t word for word what they wrote, correct?
You tried to imply that the man brainwashed her. As if to try to give her a reason why she did something so terrible.
Why is it that you need to find reasoning and a psuedo-justification for her actions, but you do not seek the same for him?
Of course they are both responsible, but you don’t know what happened in that…
Even if he has no memories of this, it will still have lasting negative impacts.
His right to self determination falls on his guardians, his custodians, his parents. It’s the government that is violating his rights, not his parents.
Everyone is going to die. Therefore the government should be allowed to make your medical decisions?
Thats a non-sequitur. Weather or not charlie is terminal, is irrelevant to the argument over weather the government should be allowed to make people’s medical choices for them.
And this proves the government should be allowed to make medical choices on other people’s behalf?