
They are his custodial guardians, they get to make the choice, not the government.

So because the treatment is unproven, the government gets to make healthcare choices instead of the custodians of the child, his parents?

Or is it that the parents are making “the wrong choice” according to you that they shouldn’t be permitted to make healthcare choices for their child?

And whose human rights are being violated by seeking experimental treatment?

What ever happened to the principle of self determination in medical ethics?

Why should the government get to make medical choices for people?

You’re not addressing this. You are just saying they made the RIGHT decision, in this case. But this does not explain why it’s their choice to make.

“In the end though you must rationally decide what is best for the individual based on the quality of life and stuffering they are in.”

You seem to have missed the point. The government will not LET THEM take the baby to the US to get experimental care.

Also if you think socialized medicine doesn’t have to make some decisions based around cost, then you’re deluding yourself.

Also in case you forgot, this is what government run healthcare in the US looks

The hardest decision I ever made in my life was taking my mother off her ventilator.

NHS is literally preventing the baby from being taken to the US to get experimental medical treatment that the parents have raised funds to pay for.

How is that spin?

Actually the family raised more than a million pounds on the internet, and the British government is still content to let the kid die.

Thats socialism for you I guess.

Nobody ever tells them ‘no’.

You said “If men started drinking 10% more whiskey it would be all over the news about men’s new drinking problem”

As if men don’t already have a drinking problem that is worse than women’s.

Women’s drinking is only recently approaching the level of men’s drinking.

Notice that there is no cream in that picture... she was doing no2 recreationally.

Why does every state have to be ‘progressive’? If Libertarians want to move to NH why is that bad? Why should these people be disenfranchised in all 50 states?

Maybe refugees should consider not bringing their awful politics with them?

I live in arizona and there are tons of refugees from California “it’s soooo expensive over there” they say. Then they vote for the same dumb shit they did in California.

Well, I’m a radical individualist and I think that it’d be neato if we could abolish the government. I’m like an anarcho-capitalist without all their stupid moral philosophy or their ideas of ‘rights’.

What kinda reasonable polite questions?

Sorry that I missed this comment, I didn’t see it until today.

Meanwhile on ADL’s front page.