I want to get rid of the war on terror and the drug war too!
But then we disagree, I think we should not publicly fund education.
What am I paying you back for? What is it that I want the government to fund that you do not want to fund?
I want to get rid of the war on terror and the drug war too!
But then we disagree, I think we should not publicly fund education.
What am I paying you back for? What is it that I want the government to fund that you do not want to fund?
Gang-rape is democracy in action.
I dont want the military funded as much either. I want that money back too!
I do want to completely abolish taxes yes. This includes PBS’ funding.
Yeah! I am glad you agree!
Civilization has to be built on coercive funding?
Your whataboutism bores me.
I don’t support any of that pork, I dont support massive military funding.
Oh by the way, tax breaks isn’t spending, you don’t fund a tax break. A tax break is taking less of other people’s money.
You’re right, there are no tv channels that are not publicly funded. Good point.
How about we all chose what we want to spend our money on? That sounds good. I agree with you about border walls and wars though, I don’t want to fund those either.
It’s not just that, it’s that there are thousands of little things like this.
If $1.50 is no big deal to you, why don’t you reimburse me? Why not cut a check to PBS yourself? If it’s so insignificant, why do you need to use the government to rob people to fund it?
Other people should be forced to fund something you enjoy?
Why don’t you and the people who enjoy it fund it? Either through advertisements or their shitty fund raisers?
I’ve already read the Anarchist FAQ.
Also can you show me anywhere other than once sentence referencing a union of like minded individuals, that shows that Max Stirner was a socialist?
You’ll also note that earlier I said that I was a FORMER anarcho-capitalist. As in no longer... What you linked seems to deal mostly…
“Anarchism is a form of socialism, by definition it can never be combined with Austrian economics.”
That is a definition touted by the socialists themselves. But there is individualist anarchist thought going back to the 19th century, not all of whom were also socialists.
In which way is my self description inaccurate. The most questionable one would be ‘far right’. Because people often attribute lots of social views into it, rather than purely economic views.
Sure there is. There are nearly dozens of us.
I say ‘far right’ because of my views on economics and my methodological individualism, see Austrian economics.
I am a nihilist in the sense that I reject any meaning or purpose in life, reject that there is anything that is moral or immoral, reject that knowledge is possible.
And I am an individualist anarchist in the…
Oh, you mean like questioning the accused over VoIP? Or would you refuse that? How about questioning him in person where he is at (in the embassy)? Or would you also refuse that?
Would you drop the case initially, and then pick it back up 2 weeks later?
Why does he *NEED* to face charges?
Also just because it damages his credibility in your eyes doesn’t mean it does so for everyone. For instance the fact that none of their leaks have been shown to be false gives him a lot of credibility in my eyes.
I don’t see how that is funny. But okay.