
Suppose I was a high ranking republican woman, who was accusing a political enemy of rape, in a situation in which the republican party would stand to gain if that person were arrested in the US so that we could extradite to a significantly more powerful ally.

Would you believe me?

By the way, all arguments about what might happen (such as, what might happen if Assange goes to Sweden) are necessary about the ‘realm of possibility’.

I have some slight reason to be suspicious of the charges. (accusers worked for the political party who controlled the Swedish government at the time.) And I have seen no evidence that he did anything wrong. So I have slight reason to be skeptical, and no reason to believe. It’s not a matter of me needing to believe

Actually I am a ‘far right’ nihilist anarchist.


I am just suspicious that a political party who was in power at the time, had two well connected members who accused a man who does great harm to various governments are various times, of rape.

A crime which is particularly heinous and difficult to prove.

Also I

So it largely depends on what charges they bring about. But I already stated earlier talking about this, that the US could simply charge him with aiding and abetting terrorists, or illegally accessing a computer.

Additionally, the CIA is some spooky shit, if he went to sweden to face charges, and they grabbed him, it

She didnt deserve to be charged or go to prison. She revealed that the US was committing war crimes. Neither should Julian.

Regarding testimony, Dont you think it is at least slightly suspicious that both of the claimants are closely associated with a political party in sweden, who in 2010 when these charges were

How am I a troll? Because I asked for a source?

Can you link to an article about the debunking of the claim that Sweden will extradite him to the US?

Also I don’t really see how the government believes he raped someone as evidence that he raped someone. Is there any evidence that he raped someone?

Also the Swedish authorities who originally wanted to question him,

Is there any evidence that Julian raped anyone?

“usually the 99% are screwed by the 1% in some way or another”

How are the 1% screwing everyone now? Because it seems as though it’s through the means of the government. Government bailouts. Government protections and privileges. Government money. Etc.

“It costs money to fund infrastructure and protections. How could we

Except there are current and historical examples of money without government, and the fact that you suggest otherwise leads me to believe that you are largely talking out of your ass.

You may think that these none government currencies are bad for this reason or that reason, but to suggest that money simply cannot

Yes I realize there would be no funding for the government to do anything. I’m fine with that.

Also I don’t get any real say in my representatives. One vote in a million or one vote in 200 million isn’t a real say. When I choose what cell service I get I get one vote in one.

Why should I only get a 1 in 200 million say

Okay so you are comparing totally public provided healthcare to a ‘mish-mash’.

But I don’t want there to be a government so you should be comparing it to a system in which the government is uninvolved. To compare it to what we have is to implicitly assume I am defending the status quo, which I am most clearly not.

“civil society” is one in which we are forced with threats of violence to fund things that we morally oppose for the “common good”?

Okay whose common good is it to lock up and basically enslave 1,000,000 people? Why do I have to be forced to pay for the prisons whose slave labor is reducing my wages as well?

Yes we would have to pay for defense, but we already do now, except it’s provided by a monopolist firm who seems more concerned with killing black kids and extorting motorists than with actually defending me. Also... you know, guns.

If currencies cannot exist without government backing, can you inform me which government currently is backing Bitcoin? Which by the way is currently worth over 1,300 dollars each.

Can you point me to a belief of mine that isn’t coherent with my other beliefs?

“but framing it as a position of compassion or empathy is absurd.”
How is it absurd? What is your reasoning for believing it is absurd?

Just as you don’t want to be forced against your will to fund war, or bailouts for the rich, or factory farming, others don’t want to be forced to fund PP.

Also if we’re speaking of


Well, I have thought this through. I do want the the government to not exist. I am an anarchist. I am not being disingenuous, if you google my user name ( with spaces added obviously) you’ll find that it is the title of the introduction to a book written by a 19th century German philosopher and anarchist Max Stirner.
