That guy

I get excited if one of my replies on a kinja site gets 25 stars.

Lol, it had absolutely nothing to do with 4chan. Only people from 4chan and old people news think it had to do with them. Its a market correction because cryptos were growing at way too quickly a rate. Think about it logically, why would an ethereum hoax from 4chan bring down the entire crypto market across the

Great. Another golf war.

Windows and Mac user arguing about servers... that is cute.

Yeah, see, I just drop my HDD in a glass of water and put it in the microwave if I’m feeling paranoid.

guys, seriously, did you not learn? dont poke the bear. look what happened before. Donald Trump thinks he can legally murder you. stick to celebrity news and product promotion. just let someone else poke the bear for a little bit.

Trump: “So we’re done here, right? Holy sh**, that was a lot of work!” “Actually, no, now the bill goes to the Senate.” “You’re kiddin’ right? This guy - always with the jokes!”

No, the issue is always the store. Microsoft desperately wants a store, and is firmly convinced that if they don’t have a viable store at some point in the future their company won’t survive. Every time Apple get $0.30 for the $0.99 app you buy, a puppy at Microsoft dies.

Maybe it has 0 RAM.

Oooooh, I see. Calling the first Muslim elected to congress the “head muslim goat humper” isn’t racist, it’s just rude. Gotcha. Sure thing. Okay.

Do it like soccer and make them play in an empty stadium. Forfeiting games will never happen, the players wouldn’t allow it, and empty stadiums would get stadiums serious about not allowing this.

I’d like to see the rule change so that this kind of abuse results in an automatic forfit for the other team. You want to yell racist nonsense at the away team and throw things on the feild of play? Congrats! The game is over in the 3rd inning and that L on your team’s record is directly on you.

My God man! What were you doing online to necessitate a yearly re-install due to malware/viruses???

Yeah! If only lefty voters who lived in blue states would’ve added to the popular vote total, Trumpy would not have been elect--oh wait.

Careful, people will say it isn’t their fault for our current state of affairs. Just because the missing 2-4% of people who voted went for the throwaway votes of independent votes... Or that more than half of the country didn’t feel motivated to vote

You learn something every day on this site. I had no idea it was Bernie Sanders’ fault that Hillary Clinton forgot to campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin.

I really hope these are the Russian bots I keep hearing about. These cannot be real people.

I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.