
There are constant environmental puzzles and environmental objects that draw your attention. There’s only a bunch of nothing if you’re trying to run straight from objective to objective and not paying attention.

Uncharted was a commercial and critical success because of how good the linear levels and set pieces were. Bad example

It’s true. I really didn’t mind 13 like others. It felt streamlined and I still enjoyed “exploring” in a straight line. When I played the 10 HD remake, I was blown away by how fairly linear it was as well despite not being considered as linear

Someone who is drunk and thinks they’re hilarious. That he follows up for a few more days is depressing

What magical place do you live in where Dominos delivers within 30 minutes?

There is a great local place I can go to for more obscure stuff, it’s just the difference of a 15 minute trip vs a 90 min trip. There are no electronic stores in the residential neighborhood so I have to drive to the industrial areas.

Eh, the place by my house still had a corner with a somewhat organized parts drawer. I always knew what I needed, so the only thing I would tell the clerk is “no” when they asked if I needed any batteries.

It stinks because RadioShack was always an easy place to pick up a capacitor or diode for an emergency fix, but I accept that is a super niche need and it’s surprising that the store has lasted as long as it has.

The Simpsons: watch whatever episodes you want from about season 3-8. Season 5 and 7 are particularly good.

Parks and Recreation: For sure skip season one (maybe watch the last episode of season one) and consider skipping most of season two. Last season is mostly optional

These are pretty much the only way I can enjoy the game without spending a butt load of money to catch up with friends who are serious players. They’re not that into using them, but they enjoy them enough to put up with me when I occasionally like to play. (Sometimes they’ll lend me one of their decks and I often have

A game like MAG is well remembered, and GOW and Last of Us are well regarded but no MGS5? It may be sneaking game, but it’s full of solid 3rd person gun play.

Army Men...not that it was my favorite. Cute concept, often mediocre at best games

I always assumed these are for the super rich and/or gamers really into LAN parties. (Pro gamers maybe?)

That’s almost like arguing against welfare programs primarily directed to poor people in the city. The government props up farmers, and if they didn’t, they’d be even poorer and a bigger net negative.

The Warriors wouldn’t have been able to sign KD if the players union didn’t reject the cap smoothing that the league proposed. Since the players wanted all the cap space available ASAP, Golden State suddenly had enough cap space to pay for KD ruining the West conference.

everything is proportionally bigger

Good construction takes a few good leaders and a lot of grunts that follow their instructions. If you buy nice materials and adequate tools, you can make a nice building. This isn’t the Middle Ages where you need craftsmen making the most out of nothing.

They’re not talking about how corporations should be taxed at higher rates or being pro-choice. Their liberal-ness boils down to don’t be an asshole to other people.

Sure bro, keep the faith. I don’t care. I’ll just enjoy a team that isn’t a laughingstock and is relevant 90% of the time.