If it makes you feel better, my original PS4 controller broke after a normal drop off a table. It can still do some stuff, but the shoulder buttons are totally fucked and it has a weird dent on the inside handle
If it makes you feel better, my original PS4 controller broke after a normal drop off a table. It can still do some stuff, but the shoulder buttons are totally fucked and it has a weird dent on the inside handle
The video game companies didn’t earn money from rentals.
A large number of Americans still don’t have speeds better than 1.5mbps
Yeah but peopl don’t rage quit every game. like if you’re actually good/cheat then you’re winning most of the time anyways so the occasional disconnect may appear normal
Yes they should, but many developers don’t want to penalize people with poor connections (they should since they ruin it for others) or people who only occasionally have to drop out after starting a game (understandable)
I’ll triple down on it, just eat the cup. The grounds, the filter, the plastic.
If anything they need to speed up. COD 14 is coming out in ‘17. Let’s get COD X coming out in ‘X. It’s basically a sports game anyways s
I feel like the second question guy isn’t nearly as rich as he thinks he is. At least not, the amount of money I have is a fundamental aspect of my personality sorta way.
Meh, I cold brew coffee with a French press and regularly get some amount of coffee grounds in the end product. Coffee grounds are healthy.
This reminds me, is there a point to the Keuring machine? Would you get the same result if you poured a cup into a hot water and stirred?
Just think of all the Marble Madness you could be playing!
Working in land development, I sympathize with Apple on this. It can be hard to get really good trees. Especially because I assume Apple wants a nice mix of caliper sizes so that the landscape looks more natural and not like a bunch of sickly saplings.
“Sorry investors, we did better than we thought we would” - said no one ever
They probably couldn’t do GoldenEye because of the liscence. Maybe Perfect Dark, but Microsoft owns it now
I was on unemployment two years ago and it was nothing like that. It lasted for up to 6 months, it was less than a quarter of what I made (I could afford rent and literally nothing else), and I was required to provide some level of proof that I was looking. (I had to call in weekly and tell them I documented my…
It is to a conservative!
Hey man, I had that same experience after a sudden layoff. It took nearly five months before I got a good job again. Just a random email I sent to an engineering firm came back months later. I’ve been at this job for two years now. (And I’m looking for a new one because I’m a lot smarter about seeing the “layoffs are…
I feel the same way sometimes, but then I remember how lonely I would be and my wife’s tolerance varies through the month
I tend to play games most nights after work, but I’ve personally started to realize how it’s negatively affecting my professional growth and how it’s not amazing for my marriage. I get about 5 hours a day when I’m not at work/sleep/commuting and I gotta squeeze in my share of house work, exercise, spend time with my…
NBA Street is an EA joint. Plus that’s 3v3