AD Philly


I clicked on this from Jalopnik intrigued by the thought of the Dems coming to their senses, but the premise and conclusion are completely wrong. We need to define some “reality parameters” so I can show you your errors:

Dude, stop with the bigoted accusations. He’s right, it’s a fact and derogatory to nobody. I’m from St Louis and that’s just the way it is. I know because when I had Rams season tickets, a black couple from the city sat next to me and we became good friends over the years. They were also rather fond of St Louis

I’m from St Louis and played soccer all my life. I played for such legendary local clubs as Scott Gallagher, Florissant Cougars and Busch Soccer Club. I played with Bobby Rhine (RIP) when he was just a chubby kid with potentially. Once we even got in trouble for kinda hazing a 6 or 7 year old Taylor Twellman. Believe