
Thanks for the heads up. Well, DmC went on sale sometime in November, so I picked it up then. Just haven't got around to it yet!

Thanks man!

haha, nice. Actually, she was brought into my world at my level, and the version in my world is leveling with me. I think her equipment has been nerfed somewhat too. Still taking names though.

Hey @sarapen:disqus. Sicarii is kicking lots of ass, btw.

I can relate—I'm still playing Job Hunt. It blows.

I've just jumped back into Dragon's Dogma after playing about 15 hours and setting it aside. I'm liking it more now, and I'd give it a recommend for RPG fans.
I think @Drinking_with_Skeletons:disqus ' description is pretty apt. You certainly get what you put into it, and it can very rewarding. Also the 'pawn' system of

First Contact all the way

That's really sad

I'm a grown man, and I love the 2DS. Mind you I haven't had a handheld since the GameBoy Pocket, but I bought it mainly because I'm price sensitive. Oh, and 3D seemed kind of useless.

Hey! I got two New Super Mario Brothers Wii U!
Here's New Super Mario Brothers Wii U. This'll
tide us over until the bank reopen.
(to Tom)
All right, Tom, how much do you need?

I had lot's of fun with it, but it just wasn't that fun. Great reboot though.

Yes. Excellent last mission.

I went to McGill University, and I can vouch for Dan's pick

Aw, thank you Cookie Monster! I always love it when you share your stories.

You mean, like in his pants? Like…you know what, I don't know why I typed that or why I'm still typi

If you've got 1 and 3 covered, with a understandably smaller nod to Halo 4's campaign, I'll stand up for Reach's campaign. If the first game's campaign did awe, mystery and wonder right, Reach did the same but for urgency, high-stakes, and coming to terms with loss and one's station. With that being said, I don't

AND it's like six hours long, at a leisurely pace. That's like a fraction of a DA:O playthrough! ;)

Great experience. Too bad that game's marketing had a messaging problem. As someone who doesn't generally play 'beige military dudeshoots' I expected something different going in and was pleasantly surprised.

This man speaks the truth. Mostly.