
I miss Turok

I was you

Preach. Jack sucked. I played it to completion on the 360 but I started a game up on ps3 a couple months ago. Excited to get back to it once the ps3 is hooked up again.

'I'd love to travel the wastes with you! I can't wait to see what it's like out there these days!'

You piece of shit!

I actually started it up as well—installed all the appropriate mods—and played the first hour or so, after Fluka pumped it up. It's been on my list since almost after it came out, but alas, I only just started. I think I'm really going to like it.

'What's that? Someone wants to know what I think about the imaginary people I'm hanging out with? With pleasure. '

The additional episodes are worth playing. The final song on one of the episodes turned me on to Anna Ternheim. This is on my list the revisit in the future. Still have to try American Nightmare, but as @avclub-c766c75666111cab4aa6bb75a5424bc0:disqus said, I've heard it's not quite the same.

Excellent to hear. I'm looking forward to it. Being an Obsidian game is exciting too.

Soon! It's installed. I enjoyed NWN quite a bit back in the day.

As for gaming, I impulsively bought Titanfall on PC, to jump in with some buddies. As a non-CoD playing online FPS vet, it's just different enough from CoD to keep me engaged. The increased mobility is quite refreshing. When everything's fast paced you want to move fast. I'll continue with that for a few hours. And

Haha, I have. Over the last 15 years I've gone back a handful of times and get further with each character. Still haven't completed it though. I think I might skip to BG II, one day.

Others have said it, but Assassin's Creed III. I enjoyed the story points the early segments of the game set up, but it was way too long. Two hours instead of six would have been fine. Really. My main issue with this opening 'story driven tutorial', and others like it, is how long they take to demonstrate all of your

I agree to a point. If they're going to stop me in my tracks to set up why I'm the biggest badass in all of Tamriel, and it's up to me to save the world, I'd rather they get it out of the way in the beginning. However, I wish Beth had built-in options to skip the first hour of all their games, for subsequent

'My Mom, she needs help!'
'I'm sure she does Butch.'
*walks off*

Yeah, that would be cool. Without the use of mics and cameras would be impressive.

Co-operative local play/sabotage with my brother. *Sigh* Those were the days. Maybe I'll get something going next time I see him.

Nice. I've only played a few hours as a tech specialist in the ME games, but it had it's fun.

"And I briefly tried Infinite Jest and found that it made my wrists sore from trying to hold it up in bed."

Yikes. That does sound fairly unique though. Sorry to hear about it nonetheless.