Midnight Tok'ra

From what I’ve heard it’s people who are infected and people in regular contact with the sick and possibly infected, so it makes sense for doctors. 

Stupid virus. You had ONE job, FFS

Or a name that gives you only the slightest clue as to what it is.

Just to make sure people know this, wearing a mask will not help you against being infected. These masks are meant for people who are infected.

Hot damn...I feel this image in my ovaries and I’m a man. *fans self like a southern belle*

It’ll be a missed opportunity if they don’t add some straight lines to their logo, transforming it into three rods of Aesclepius.

Any excuse to add photos of the blinding beauty of their husbands - the two most freakishly attractive world leaders

Meanwhile, it has been reported that despite meeting with Fabio Wajngarten, the recently diagnosed top aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, President Donald Trump has tested negative.

But soap is the past.  Harley is losing so much ground to other companies who long ago realised that the market wants hand sanitiser.

And after shave. Which you can probably run the bikes on.

Hello fellow young people. I am hip with the language of young people. What with your paralax skipping and invisible walls.

I want to warp to November so I can vote this incompetent asshole out of office.

When my Floridian 80 year old Dad admitted it was real, my first thought was, “Aha, so Fox has flip-flopped on this.” 

Success breeds imitators.

Someone he personally knows probably got it. It’s the only thing that gets through to those people. 

We are at war with Eastasia.  We have always been at war with Eastasia.

The switch from “The coronavirus is overblown liberal media hype meant to hurt Trump, and Trump is right not to be taking drastic, unnecessary action over it no matter what the deep state liberal Democrats say” to “The coronavirus is a massive, dangerous problem, thank God that Trump recognized that early on and took

UK, Australia and the United States have all elected dumbass right-wing populists over the past decade.