Midnight Tok'ra

Read about it. He set the land speed record. On a frozen lake. And come to think of it, he didn’t even have a steering wheel, but that bizarre tiller thing. But before you think he must have be slowed down by dragging his enormous balls across the ice, you have to realize there was a dude nicknamed Spider on that Car

So could I buy one of these, dump an old truck cab and bed pulled out of a 50’s/60’s truck on top, and use the vin from the donor truck to register it? Can I have my cool electric rat rod truck mashup mess?

Hold my beer.  Just mount a steering wheel and race it!

Been folding since 2008, in fact I am still folding under Maximum PC team even though i haven’t been to the forum in years.

Very effective use of capital letters! Except you are still coming off like some sort of nut.

Take it to Stormfront, Adolf.

Where he’s serving soup.

It’s refreshingly honest to see President Dick-in-the-Electrical-Socket’s greatest defenders admit that that the President is absolutely going to shove his dick in the electrical socket on this one.

Yep, couldn’t agree more.  The idea that debates and having to answer tough questions about your policies and why they are better than someone else is going to kill his campaign in the general just makes it seem like he is a weak candidate.  And if that’s the case, why is anyone voting for him?  Also at this point

Seriously. I can see a road where outage solidifies into a path for Medicare for All but it's more likely this is going to lead to an even bigger gap between the rich and the poor.

So Ted, just to be clear, you agree that the President has stumbled in his response. Your issue is how the media is characterizing his failure. All good.

Can’t wait for cruise lines and airlines and energy companies to get big bailouts and tax breaks, but nothing to directly help actual people impacted, nor anything to address systemic issues exposed by the pandemic (paid sick leave, universal health care). Always money to protect the bottom line of companies, never

People who actually live on the border want neither the wall nor Trump.

Right. It’s essentially, “Even though I repeatedly endorsed Hillary after the convention last time, she completely ignored my voter base & it backfired on her spectacularly. You can’t repeat that mistake.”

My hope is that Bernie uses the debate to try and come to some sort of unifying “gentleman’s agreement” with Biden involving progressive policy concessions that will placate his rabid followers. Anything else at this point would be idiotic, because barring some sort of black swan event, the math is just not on his

Probably not, but shouldn’t the presumptive nominee answer these questions?

‘cause ‘Murica

I feel like the response from the US has been very scattered. Some states like Ohio say no more mass gatherings and then the Blue Jackets are all “lol fuck off, games go on as scheduled with fans!”.