Midnight Tok'ra

March 16 sure sounds like an oddly specific start date for policy enforcement.

I don’t wanna name names, but it rhymes with Ronald Dump.

♪ Doctor Dement-O-o, Doctor Dement-O-o... ♫

But he only saw it 30 seconds at a time.

Wait, rosebud was a sled? Spoilers, dude!

I’ve only heard it as “tits on a bull.”

Baked beans are off!


But only in China.

I personally prefer ‘Americare.’


The point I’m making is, get out and vote, even if your feelings are hurt, or your favorite candidate didn’t win the primary, or any number of fucked-up excuses. Vote as if your life depended on it, because even if it doesn’t, someone’s does.

So if the people who sat at home in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan because “Hillary didn’t come here. Waaah!” got out and voted, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are.

What about 2016? Everyone who stayed home because “I don’t like Hillary so I’m not gonna vote” deserves to rot in hell.

If everybody who says, “My vote doesn’t matter” got off their asses and voted, their vote would matter.

What about 2016? Everyone who stayed home because “I don’t like Hillary so I’m not gonna vote” deserves to rot in hell.

Ennui-sur-Blasé has to be the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

Florida is a swing state now. If there is turnout on the scale of 2008 and 2012, Florida will go blue.

You have two choices in November - vote for the eventual Democratic candidate, or vote for Trump. There is no third choice. Not voting because you don’t like the Democratic candidate is the same as casting a vote for Trump.

You have two choices in November - vote for the eventual Democratic candidate, or vote for Trump. There is no third choice. Not voting because you don’t like the Democratic candidate is the same as casting a vote for Trump.