Locksly and Bagel, it can’t miss!
Locksly and Bagel, it can’t miss!
Sky Wizard has been drinking, their aim is off.
♪♫ Bagel, bagel, bagel! I made you out of dough!
To get out of the greys, who do I have to blow? ♫♪
Came for this, wasn’t disappointed.
You know she never saw that woman until the photo shoot, will never see her again, and made sure she was searched before being allowed on the set.
More like Seth Mulchin’, amirite?
That’s all we want.
In his case, it wouldn’t be reincarnation, it’d be regurgitation.
Guns don’t pull the trigger, the circular firing squad pulls the trigger.
“Smarter” is a relative term.
“You must be above this line on the color chart to play.”
So say us all.
He tap-danced around the truth for so long, he’s a natural!
Why does anyone reply to this chucklefuck? Why?!
That’s So Raven!
Old Joe Biden Goes to a Farm
He stares at his orange juice bottle because it says “concentrate”.