
I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.

I’d also add supporting your local public media/NPR station. I work for one, and I’m scared of what Trump’s attacks on the media and the first amendment will mean for us. Trump has fomented hatred and mistrust of journalists in his followers. CNN and MSNBC essentially became 24-hour Trump tv networks, and gave Trump

Thank god I live in Washington state where all balloting is done by mail (you get your ballot on the 24th of October) and you are registered automatically when you get your drivers license.

Off to spend the next 20 minutes of my life watching Key and Peele vids thank you for an excellent start to this friday!

She fucking killed that debate and I am drunk and a nasty woman and also i love bad hombres and fuck him and i ate a burrito and several cookies and maybe like a whole bottle of whine or wine or shit or omg i need to go to bed even on the west coast i am a mess omg i hate trump o hope he dies ifn a fire

“Trump’s just an idiot with no sense of aesthetics”

I’ve seen heavier guys where they’re dressed to the nines and all you think is DAMN that’s a suit. Seriously. Maybe an unorthodox pinstripe and matching pocket square, or what have you, but I do so love a nicely tailored guy.

He looks dumpy and his ass looks like a burlap sack filled with snakes.

Gotta admit, that’s some solid tactics right there. Now I just need to acquire a rotting yam colored pile of trash father and an appearance suitable for inappropriate fixation of the right kind. Its good to have solution-oriented resources I can use in a highly tactical way.

That is the most infuriating thing about listening to her talk, they never acknowledge that they come in with such a huge advantage, from a world class education for.even the most mediocre of minds (GW Bush) to having the right contacts, having jobs handed to you or having a net a safety net which allows

To be fair, she’s 1000% better than DT Jr. and Dracula

Footage of Ivanka and Jared’s first date.

The federal government currently guarantees twelve weeks of unpaid maternity leave

I could be wrong, but i’m begining to think Ivanka Trump may not be a very good person.

Oh, come on, it’s clearly the employee’s fault for not having enough money to pay someone else to raise her child. /sarcasm

She has a book coming out next year about the subject, promising “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for women in the office.