'Cause Maseratis fight monsters or something.
'Cause Maseratis fight monsters or something.
Oh that's cute, you had a little bit of snow. I hope you don't hurt your hand brushing it off the car.
Because nothing screams quality like an MG.
We dyslexics would never spell it "engeri", but rather "engyre" or "enyegr". Have some respect!
Ethanol has ~21 MJ/L. US 80 proof is 40% alcohol, so 8.5 MJ/L. A typical martini is ~70 mL, meaning about 600 kJ per martini.
And, they were actually really common on first world war-era aircraft, as they ran cooler and were more bullet-resistant than conventional radial engines. Plus, the engine block acted as a flywheel to keep the propeller at near-constant speed.
It's a Chieftain, not a Challenger, but yes.
And when was that exactly?
Differential rotor speed. Some (typically half) of the rotors are opposite direction to the others, which usually cancels out the torque and leaves zero net angular momentum. If one direction of rotors slow down a bit, the torque is no longer zero and the vehicle rotates in the opposite direction to that rotor. So,…
And yet, he just won a championship with a glorified hybrid. And next year's F1 cars (with their electrically driven turbo-superchargers) will be even less pure combustion cars. Technology marches on...
Partially it is. The designers weren't idiots when made the spec with a large panel gap, they were constrained by the level of precision they count on from the workers. Tighter gap, harder to fit the part without damaging it. Of course, the real way to address is more robots and less line workers, but that's where…
That was literally my first car (same color, even). With nearly zero miles and $10k, I wasn't complaining.
Yes, you right. The Nissan doesn't look nearly as penisy as that beemer. Or this, for that matter.
Exactly. Believe or not, 90% of people find driving boring, and drive like idiots because they'd rather not be driving. So let them put the car on self-driving "fully automatic", while those who want to can switch to "semi-auto" or "manual". That's the best prescription possible for safe highways.
Should be self-evident.
The Apollo astronauts actually did have to fill out a customs form, yes, that's a border crossing.
The thing about truck nuts, though, is what happened to the rest of the package? Seriously, what happened to your poor truck? Oh God!