
Note also that they’ve been on PSN for a while too.


... and yet you’ll still see people saying BUT EVS ARE WORTHLESS IN THE COLD

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you get involved with crypto, you deserve to be ripped off.

When the scam they’re perpetuating depends on more and more rubes buying in every day, they’re going to do everything they can to try and make it seem legit.

A lot of the time it’s not even digital art on a blockchain. It’s a link to digital art on some random server. A link that can break at any time. Fun!

It’s worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. What’s notable, and what many of these people never acknowledge, is that just because you paid a stupid amount for it, that doesn’t mean another idiot as big as yourself will come along and do the same.

As always, fuck dealerships. The quicker we can get to a system where they’re unnecessary, the better.

Multiple motors is a bigger drain on the batteries, and carrying around the extra weight makes a difference too. This is why the fast Mach E has less range than the regular one.

This is how it should be! Lots of cars nowadays are stupidly overpowered for most people. There’s a huge portion of the population that just needs a transportation appliance, and never pushes the pedal down more than halfway. For them, the increased range is much more important than a 0-60 time under 5 seconds. I

By the original, actual definition of the term? Go look it up, I’ll wait.

The US, by definition, cannot be a third-world country.

Now playing

Note that performance all-seasons are getting really good nowadays. If you don’t need perfect summer performance or perfect winter handling, they’re a decent option.

This is the real answer. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.

As always, never enough turn-based or tactical RPGs. 

It really is insane, especially coming from other similarly priced vehicles. I drive an S4, and with that as my reference, sitting in my coworker’s Model 3 Performance felt like I was in a cheap econobox.

why the fuck are the relevant authorities allowing conventions to still happen?!