Asbo Zappruder

I’m waiting until Christmas to get this game, because, honestly, the world is kind of grey enough so that if a big game release hits a couple months shy of December, it’s always worthwhile making it into a Christmas event. Especially a Nintendo game, and especially a new goddamn Mario.

Nah. But I’ll let them work at this without any real complaint if this is now their real soap box.

While I sympathize with what they endured, they both have said and done a lot of work of their own will that made us worse as a country. I don’t think we’re obliged to provide them high-profile media careers.

In addition to the malnourished thing, I was often distracted by how much makeup the actresses playing the younger nuns seemed to be wearing throughout. I kept waiting for the Reverend Mother to take them to task for all the lip gloss. It made it just a little more inauthentic than it needed to be.

Mike you are very good at writing and criticism.

I thought all the actresses in this film gave excellent performances and I did like the protagonist, Sister Cathleen, but I agree that Melissa Leo’s performance and character were both the strong point of the film. She wasn’t someone to like, but I definitely felt for her as her world began to unravel. I’m glad you

Somewhere in Milwaukee, Richie Cunningham is inconsolable and near collapse.

The AV Club’s corporate overlords hate us and just wish we would all go away and leave them alone.

Have any petitions been circulated yet to get AV Club off of Kinja? I don’t think it would be as useless as the “Abolish-Rotten-Tomatoes-because-they-give-crummy-ratings-to-crummy-DC-movies” petition but it might be close.

Hey I’m still grey

They don’t even let me reply immediately. Still grey still grey still grey still grey

RIP. I very much grew up with his music, but I’m honestly surprised to hear he was still alive up until now. Some great, great classic stuff.

Since the header image is from The Munsters, I would like to know why every episode of The Munsters has a new person/family/establishment learning about the existence of the Munsters. How many people live in this town?

Now playing

In honor of Halloween, here is the greatest Halloween album of all time:

I like anything made by anyone named Sedaris. I just set a series recording on my DVR.

TruTV has a lot of great people on it now. I loved Amy’s book, so I assume this will be equally as amazing.

It’s a miasma of incandescent plasma.

Remember Dial-A-Song’s motto, in the days when you had to pay for long distance calls: “Call from work!”