Asbo Zappruder

To me it’s the equivalent of Terminator or other stories where technology goes bad and takes over - except it’s several steps before that happening.

I wouldn’t say that, I’d say a good handful of episodes seem more hopeful than dystopian.

Not anymore! *tears about it leaving Netflix*

The first episode is the only one I have not actually watched. I think skipping it gives you a better taste for the show.

I can only imagine the thought pieces and video blogs that would have been made about the Twilight Zone.

To me, Black Mirror is the response to app developers’ claims that they are trying “to make the world a better place” (to steal a line from Silicon Valley)

Been having a hard time with my depression lately. I have an appointment with my doctor next week - see if I can get a change in my meds and dosage.

Instead of Black Mirror I’ve found a .gif of some zombie on a phone walking into a pillar and just watch that over and over again.

Black Mirror actually soothes me. It let’s me know I’m not crazy - it validates my paranoia and general feeling that western civilization is fucked.

And anyway, you can always watch a 30 Rock rerun after.

2 and a half hours ago and four comments, one of them a delusional Trumpet praising his demagogue for calling out the economics and government of an American territory then criticizing am imaginary person’s imaginary donation.

Counterpoint: I rarely watched the Colbert Report because his character was too absurd that it wasn’t very enjoyable and I now love his new show.

Dafoe has done solid comedy before; his episode of Fishing With John was the best of the series, which is saying something...


No love for “Shadow of a Doubt” - bummer.


In high school I worked as a DJ for the radio station my high school ran. This was in the early 2000s, when radio consolidation was at its prime and the options for listening were exceptionally limited. I played the hell out of “The Last DJ” whenever I was on the radio, a short reminder to our listeners that they were

I’m partial to “Insider”.

The time to talk about it is over.

Your description of Seth Meyers was very intense and chilling, “Measured and controlled disgust of someone too embittered to get angry anymore.” I used to make fun of him for always laughing at his own jokes, but this new version of Seth Meyers seems so damn depressed that I’d really like to see a version of America