Asbo Zappruder

That was unexpectedly devastating. As much as I would love to see them do another series, I also love the fact that that was their last sketch.

I kind of hope they do manage the "grow old with Sherlock and John" thing. That would just be a fascinating thing to look back on at the end. It's crazy ambitious but given the love that everyone involved seems to have for the show and that it really has become a family affair, quite possible. The assumption seems

I mentioned in an earlier comment that I think it was placed there to emphasize how little the details of the fall matter compared to effect on Sherlock and John's relationship.

Do you mean the conversation about goldfish? Because that was specifically how Mycroft sees other people. I think the whole point of the conversation is that Sherlock has learned to value what it means to have friends, particularly John. The question Sherlock asks isn't why a higher species of person should accept

There are lots of things that point to the third solution being the real one.

It always struck me being similar to people always thinking Ten and Donna were a couple.

Yes, almost forgot that. A direct reference since Sherlock has his wall of "rats" and specifically called Moran the largest.

The old man who John thinks is Sherlock. It's how Sherlock reveals himself in canon. Even the titles of the book are the same (albeit in a different context).

Well, no doubt I'm going to be in conflict with the reviews this season. I loved the whole thing, including this episode. But I am a bit annoyed by how much emphasis is placed on not only calling this solely Moffat's show but completely ignoring the fact that Gatiss wrote it. And the fact that yes we are

I think the point is that Sherlock and the people who call him a sociopath are meant to be wrong. He fancies the term because he wants to be someone who is cut off from emotions and people and people who view him as one say it because it shows they see the worst in him. The evidence that he isn't is particularly

I loved this series and it's nice to see that a lot of other people did too. Each episode built on the last and made the whole immensely satisfying. Cumberbatch has, of course, always been excellent but these are some of his very best performances.

I really like Dick Tracy. It's one of my favorite Al Pacino performances.

It's the only Muppet movie where they go overseas and fight criminals, right? Right?!?

It is also notable for featuring Wanda Ventham (aka, Benedict Cumberbatch's mother) as a recurring character. Apparently Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss were very excited when they found out about the connection. Which is either charming or creepy, depending on your point of view.

If you watch only one episode of Homicide in your entire life…you will have lead an incomplete life. Pembleton and Munch are the big draws — rightfully so — but my favorites were Kay Howard (now officially Academy Award winning Melissa Leo) and Clark Johnson (who also has a hell of a career directing, including the

Well, I really enjoyed it. I'll get that out there now before all the arguments about what Moffat did wrong. It was nice adventure on its own but it had sufficient heft to serve as an event. I even liked the way they brought back Billie Piper. I didn't cry but I may have made a weird noise when I saw Peter