
If you have private loans and you don't want damage to your credit rating, generally your only option is a refinance.

Because student debt is very rarely discharge able in bankruptcy there is very little reason for them to negotiate. If your loans are federal loans they basically can't do a settlement.

I you are working for anon profit your federal loans should qualify for public service loan forgiveness in 10 years

depending on the source of the debt 1099 were probably issued years ago by the original creditors.

having read thousands of novels at this point, the lack of spoon feeding is excellent

glen cooks black company novels

I own and have worn several fairly accurate sets of reproduction armour from various periods. I have used them under several different sport combat systems. Its not as bad as you think.

Count me as another who was hoping this was about the other "the wizard".

I know he's making gobbs of money as a screen writer, but Gary Witta's tenure as senior editor at PC Gamer was one of the best times to be reading about video games. It showed me how much of a difference a good editor makes.

No mention of Brian Daleys 1979 Han Solo Adventures? Uneven but still enjoyable.

As much as i think most movies would be improved with more Blessed, i don't think he'd a good choice for Odin. He lacks the right kind of maddness to nail himself to a tree and sacrifice an eye for power… Now nailing someone else to a tree, that's Blessed.