alexei sayle

Might I suggest a poutine omelet to take this to the next level? :)

Not saying I totally disagree with this, but it might be worth tempering it ten percent by letting your kids have some insight into what you are actually like while you’re still alive.

(including my most-anticipated, melting face, which either means “I just nailed the solo from Van Halen’s ‘Eruption’ or ‘It is Tuesday and Global Warming is real,’ depending on your age)

My spouse at 3pm after making this for brunch!

I prefer my theory that older people are travelling at a faster speed in the time dimension than the younger people are. It’s why we look old, it’s the time equilivant of a “red shift”

Could a separate hive five be held for portable European power strips?

There are two parts to a checkbook (in the US). There are checks (cheques) which are as you described, but the other side of the checkbook (or sometimes the back of the checkbook) has a table where you can write down how much money you have spent and how munch money you have gotten in. "Balancing your checkbook" means